Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @4031isaiah - Remember, the scale is an epic level liar... (HUGS)
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2017
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I'm closing in on the end of Day 1. All in all, I feel good. Never felt starving. I felt a little low energy with a mild headache midday, but I upped my salt intake and felt better. I'm under 20 carbs. I don't feel hungry since dinner, so I may not eat again. Any feedback on my entries for today would be appreciated!

    Fat: 119g
    Protein : 72g
    Carb: 13g

    @darkphoenix323 - The combo of low energy and headache is definitely indicative of too low sodium. Remember that your body will be dumping around 5000 mg of sodium a day that you must replace... Especially as you adapt to the program. Some people have to continue to supplement past 12 weeks, some don't... Some need even more than that... So just keep an eye on that sodium. If you get to the point of having headaches, you're going to start dumping magnesium, too...

    This is super helpful. Thank you so much! I got some organic chicken broth, so I'll sip on a few cups today.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    edited May 2017
    Just had my cholesterol checked... ldl is high :( never had high cholesterol before. I wonder if it's from doing low carb high fat? Anyone else have cholesterol go up? My doc wants me to do a lower fat diet :/ I'm so discouraged. I think she wants me to eat low fat for 6 weeks and then recheck...so I'm gonna try to do higher carbs (gross of 150) and keep fat under 60g ...total opposite of keto :/
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @4031isaiah - Remember, the scale is an epic level liar... (HUGS)

    Thanks. I wish that made me feel better.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    mjj79 wrote: »
    Just had my cholesterol checked... ldl is high :( never had high cholesterol before. I wonder if it's from doing low carb high fat? Anyone else have cholesterol go up? My doc wants me to do a lower fat diet :/ I'm so discouraged. I think she wants me to eat low fat for 6 weeks and then recheck...so I'm gonna try to do higher carbs (gross of 150) and keep fat under 60g ...total opposite of keto :/

    You might want to read this: https://www.ruled.me/the-ketogenic-diet-and-cholesterol/

    Did she measure LDL-C or LDL-P?
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Sorry if this is a repeat I typed and posted but didn't see it appear.... anyway long story short 3 weeks today and I am at a total loss of 7.8 lbs, the dinner worked out ok I had some options and stuck to it , had to have some cake but shared the bulk with my daughter.
    Did my group exercise class twice this week. Tried a new recipe from Keto Connect a site I learned from coming here. Easy Lemon Chicken, it was a mess to make partly my fault, it was tasty the lemon sauce was pretty good, not sure I would make it again though. Weekend is here again..have a good one everyone :)
  • velvetvelma
    velvetvelma Posts: 1 Member
    Hello guys, nice to meet you all i'm a newbie here.
    I've been on keto diet, it's my 10th day and i can say that this is the diet that i love most.
    I'm 5'6".
    Started out with 129.4 lbs and now i'm 122.7 lbs.
    So i have lost 6.7 lbs so far! Which is awesome to me.
    My goal is 110lbs - 114lbs. I'll stick with this diet and planning to combine it with P90X starting on next monday. I love keto! ;)
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Had a major partly planned collapse 10 days ago but feel I'm back on track now. Hit my initial goal of 80kg(176lbs), and has stayed there for 3 days, so not a fluke. Next goal is 75kg.

    Only issue is 2 bachelorparties the next 2 weekends, and seems like I managed to get myself sick. Any tips on staying keto while sick? Seems my body craves those carbs even more!

  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Managed to keep it pretty ok on the carbs yesterday. Had a couple of "normal" beers on the end, because some one else got them.

    Had lost weight when I got on the scale today, but guessing that's just dehydration.
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    Yesterday (Day three) was pretty good! Kept my sodium intake up and haven't had any Keto Flu symptoms. My family had pizza from Original Pete's (my favorite pizza place) and it smelled SO good. But I opted for a taco salad which was yummy and filling. I stayed up late and had some candy cravings (I normally would lay in bed, watching tv and chow down on a Peanut Butter Snickers). But it was really just a mental craving, and it passed. Hope all of you are having a great day!
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    My family had pizza from Original Pete's (my favorite pizza place) and it smelled SO good.
    Keto pizza is really good, and really hits the spot! For next time. ;-)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    More of a low carb day than a keto day...but at least I'm in the ball park. I'm going to do this. My mom is also trying to lose some, so the competition is on. Sometimes a challenge is good. We check in next Sunday.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    I really wish I had the will power not to weigh myself everyday, my weight always goes up ,down ,up , down, somehow at the end of the week is an overall loss .. so far. It's to early to measure ,that's never satisfying until a big loss. Clothes fit ok not tight not loose enough for a downsize , usually 12lbs or so for that. Kept really busy and active over the weekend which can sometimes be your enemy because I get it stuck in my head I can have a nice snack, what's a good snack that won't leave you feeling like you shouldn't have? I have really been liking chilling a can of coconut for the cream that hardens and mixing some with Swerve and a little unsweetened cocoa powder. I think I have to change things around so that I don't snack. But I'm always left with an uneasy feeling just eating 2 or 3 meals a day and no snacks. Enjoy your three day weekend for those of you having one :smile:
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    My family had pizza from Original Pete's (my favorite pizza place) and it smelled SO good.
    Keto pizza is really good, and really hits the spot! For next time. ;-)

    I've been seeing lots of yummy recipes for Fathead or cauliflower crust pizza. I'm not much of a cook, but I think I'll give it a try!
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    Day Four (yesterday) was awesome! I usually have to take a nap on the weekends to get through the day, but I I had enough energy that I didn't feel the need! Feeling good and less bloated ans most importantly, I dont feel like I am starving! Thank you to all of the family members of servicemen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. My thoughts and prayers are with you today.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Last night went from a great Keto day to an okay Low Carb one. Definately an emotional feeding..I had gone to a free movie (Toy Story) at a local bar. Really needed to be out of my house and have some laughs! But I was by myself. So I had a couple drinks and a snack they provided which may be the only reason I stayed and actually had an okay time with myself after all. I'm not really upset about that.. it is so hard to go out by myself when I dont know anyone, and so....I'm human.
    What is stressing me is all these excuses and delays and stops and starts have me wondering if I'll get myself back on track anytime soon.
    I feel wishy washy. I want to feel fierce again. I like that version of myself way better.

    Today is reachieve *fierceness factor:
    Take #1

    *as evidenced by continuous forward motion in multiple life areas.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Posted on main board about this pattern of going through the motions and routines that used to keep me on track, but now are mostly useless.
    Still trying to figure it out. Still feel like my resolve is flapping in tne wind.
    Still allowing outside influences and occurences to affect my choices, even in spite of being aware of it and not wanting to allow It. Feeling very ineffective.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2017
    elize7 wrote: »
    Posted on main board about this pattern of going through the motions and routines that used to keep me on track, but now are mostly useless.
    Still trying to figure it out. Still feel like my resolve is flapping in tne wind.
    Still allowing outside influences and occurences to affect my choices, even in spite of being aware of it and not wanting to allow It. Feeling very ineffective.

    You're not alone! This happened to me as well as everyone that I have ever talk to. But you are here and that means everything. We are all here to support you!
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    I'm finding this week challenging because the scales are not equal with my efforts, trying to be positive that I'm tracking my food, eating the right kinds of foods, being active, drinking more water doing my research, it's time consuming. It's not that my weight is stalled but increasing, hoping it's just from exercise:) Tried a Keto mug cake last night and was happy with the result, I just couldn't stop my hunger, and that helped settle me down.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    havisham wrote: »
    I'm finding this week challenging because the scales are not equal with my efforts, trying to be positive that I'm tracking my food, eating the right kinds of foods, being active, drinking more water doing my research, it's time consuming. It's not that my weight is stalled but increasing, hoping it's just from exercise:) Tried a Keto mug cake last night and was happy with the result, I just couldn't stop my hunger, and that helped settle me down.

    Remember to measure other things then weight.

    Had a terrible day, dead tired and craved all the food. Managed to keep it at Bay with snacking some cheese, and stopping myself at dinner.
    Turning in early and hoping for a better day tomorrow.
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds like people are having a rough time. Hoping things get better for everyone. You are all doing something amazing for your health and you can beat the cravings and stalls!

    I have an Instagram and would love to add some of you for accountability/encouragement/support. On Instagram I am keto_krispy
  • Bethy_is_fit
    Bethy_is_fit Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All! New here (and to MFP boards in general) Started Keto on 3/28 and I'm down 6.6 pounds. I don't have a ton of weigh to lose, but my clothes were starting to get too tight and I was miserable. I've done a lot of diets in the past and this way of eating has to be my favorite. SO glad that I gave it a try.

    5'6, SW:145, CW: 138.4 GW: <135
  • leapinggreenly
    leapinggreenly Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone - I'm new to this group and am glad to have found a place to check in! Looking forward to sharing information and support.

    I've been on a LC diet for a few years now, but hadn't been moderating my protein or increasing my fat enough, so my macros were off. I did manage to stabilize my A1c, which had been consistently creeping closer to diabetic land; both my parents are T2 diabetics and on insulin, and I do not want to continue down this path. That said, the weight wasn't coming off and my fasting blood sugars weren't going down. So, I finally got serious a few days ago, purchased a Precision Xtra meter, and started measuring. My goal is to have my ketone readings be between 1.0-3.0 and to get my fasting blood sugars in the 90s (long-term goal is 70s-80s, but I'll be happy with 90s to start, as I am generally between 105-118 each morning . . . not good). My blood ketone levels were 0.3 yesterday and 0.4 today . . . I had been consuming over 150g protein/day and probably in the 30-50g carb range previously. Now I'm aiming for < 20g carb and < 60g protein and with 80% of calories from fat. Let's see how things go...:-) Wishing everyone a healthy and lovely day!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Its 6:30pm, and I'm still keto! Yay. If need be, I'll go to bed.
    Not messing up tonight.
    Pretty much a fasting day, maybe tomorrow, too...need to get busy and get this weight off. All the extra booze from the past two months went straight to my abdomen. Yuk.
    No big social distractions for a couple weeks, and frankly once the heat sets in, I may take a social break for the summer. Nothing worse than extra weight in summer. Hot, sweaty, fat. Yuk, yuk, yuk.
    A break might be good for me mentally as well. I keep bumping into the ex when I'm out and about - even going out of my way to avoid him- and it seriously messes up my head and food plan for days and days.
    Really, I'm feeling like a hot mess these days, my interest in my life has fallen by the wayside, and I think he's just not worth all this fuss. It would be nice if I could actually sustain that thought...

  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Its 6:30pm, and I'm still keto! Yay. If need be, I'll go to bed.
    Not messing up tonight.
    Pretty much a fasting day, maybe tomorrow, too...need to get busy and get this weight off. All the extra booze from the past two months went straight to my abdomen. Yuk.
    No big social distractions for a couple weeks, and frankly once the heat sets in, I may take a social break for the summer. Nothing worse than extra weight in summer. Hot, sweaty, fat. Yuk, yuk, yuk.
    A break might be good for me mentally as well. I keep bumping into the ex when I'm out and about - even going out of my way to avoid him- and it seriously messes up my head and food plan for days and days.
    Really, I'm feeling like a hot mess these days, my interest in my life has fallen by the wayside, and I think he's just not worth all this fuss. It would be nice if I could actually sustain that thought...

    I don't know what your situation is, but relationships can be hard hard hard. They can mess with the head, mess with the heart and soul. Here is to hoping that you get back in the business of loving *yourself* right quick :smile: