FatandSadPanda Member


  • I started my diet a month and a half ago and my progress has slowed down, despite limiting cheats and not going over my calories. So my plan is: 1. Begin exercising. 2. Drink more water. 3. Be kind to myself. Goals: 1. At least 15 minutes a day on the elliptical for now, to ease back into the routine. 2. Drink at least…
  • Oh, I love crock pot recipes! They greatly appeal to my laziness <3 As for the links, on the little bar above where you type, there's an icon that looks like two iron links together. You put your URL in the box after clicking that. When you press ok, your text box will have [.url="(URL link)"] (Space to type your title)…
  • It's so great to have a group for all us Trolls working off all those late night bad decisions lol. 24/F, just moved to Orlando, FL. Due to birth control and reaching the "fat and happy" portion of my relationship, I've ballooned out :'( I've never been "skinny", but after seeing pictures of myself at my best friend's…