Thank you everyone for your responses. I will start logging more diligently. I hope results will eventually follow.
Thank you for taking the time to go through my diary to find out possible errors. I agree that some days I do not complete my diary. Potato, peas and carrots and the likes I measure by cup or on weighing scale. And yes, you are right the potato 50 gm is really small. I just weighed and ate the piece and used the rest of…
Thanks, I have made my diary public. It can be viewed at I hope someone can point out my mistake or any changes that I need to do.
Yes, I do weigh my food and measure everything accurately before I log. I have created a summary of my intake that I log in MFP.
I am trying to lose weight. Long term goal is to lose 35 kgs. I have not lost any weight in the last 5 weeks, no changes in my measurement as well. Thanks.
Thanks again everyone for the encouragement and support. I am on metformin (for PCOS) from many years now. You are right Zaysgrandma, I need to fill my mind with more positive thoughts. As, I said before, I am concentrating on keeping my regular workouts and watching my food at the moment. Honestly, after posting here and…
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I plan to start logging everything I eat and continue with my gym 3-4 times a week. I have also read through the sticky messages and they are of great help. I to be honest, I am very frustrated with my inability to shift any weight but I also realise that being depressed doesn't help…