delray92 Member


  • so sorry im only seeing this now @sabrina_stafford !! You are making great progress!! I will start my second round tomorrow. So mad I didnt do it sooner though, life just got a little crazy. but i start tomorrow.
  • I just finished my first round of the diet and lost almost 5 pounds so i can say this very well may become a routine for me. 3 days on 4 days off. Can't wait to hear how it goes for you @sabrina_stafford
  • Feel free to add me! I've only recently gotten on a better sleep schedule so I know what you mean about cooking late dinners and feeling like the microwave is the only way to get things done quick. I'll try and help if I can :smile:
  • I was on Celexa for maybe two years but this past january it stopped working and I was already on the highest dose. I was prescribed Ativan when the anxiety attacks started last summer and it helps amazingly but like another person had said this is an addictive medicine so I try to use it only in the extreme attacks. After…
  • Thank you all for the great responses!! I might just have to take some notes here :) I use to work out for hours at a time, also suffering from depression I love how it lifted my mood!! I've only had the anxiety issues this last year and never thought about exercising would affect it. It's not social anxiety or really…
  • Wow!! great job! I'm not looking to shed everything over night but I can't lie, seeing any result in three days would be a huge motivation booster!!
  • hello! I'm from Wooster, Ohio! add me if you'd like :D I could use the motivation.
  • i need motivation by the truck loads! Any first words of wisdom?
  • I like this!! Standing at 5'1'' and proud haha. Also I deleted my old profile as well to start over. Keep me on track all!! I need some motivation!
  • My name is Katrina and I just started my first day of this diet and have to say I feel pretty good, not hungry at all...not yet it's only 2pm though haha. My sister has been using this diet and has gotten great results so I hope I follow suit! Hope to meet some new people on here to help me stay on track and for new…