Let me reword that.... It's about the quality of the calorie. If You have 2 foods of the same amount of calories but one has higher fiber or vitamins and the others calories are made up of mostly carbs fat and sugars your going to see a different impact
Do you have a real medical need to use it or do you just say you have something to get the drug? Just stop smoking if losing weight is that important to you
Reaching your ideal goal is great. My only concern is that if your not getting necessary nutrients from your diet you may be at a weight you want but beware of the side effects of not having all the nutrients your body needs. You could be eating enough calories but say your not getting enough iron or vitamin d, fiber etc…
Moderation yes but just remember your body processes the calories from sugary and fatty foods differently than the calories from lean meat and foods with higher nutritional values. But if it's working for you and you're happy more power to you.
Not sure if this would be relevant either but I just started this months period and I'm bloated too. That prob plays into the equation
This is prob a dumb question. But how do I calculate that
Yeah first week so prob just water right?
I'm not so much concerned about my weight. I will base my success on when my thighs no long rub and hurt me when I wear a dress. They never use to and that's what I'm working on getting back to
But don't get me wrong. I liked it just am not ready for it
Started the first DVD felt like I was going to die lol. Was not ready for it and hurt my knees. The movements were too quick for me to keep up. It's collecting dust right now
Also, search low calorie recipes for your favorite dishes. There are usually adaptations to lower calories, fat, sugar, and sodium. While boosting lean protein and veggies. Try this
For me I was always a tiny kid and relatives would tease me and say I ate like a bird so I thought I was bad for not eating more so I ate until I felt sick, got use to it and ate like that even if I didn't mean to. It wasn't a problem until college and my metabolism slowed. Gained weight and now trying to get it off. Now…
Thank you all, question answered. That's what I expected but figured I'd ask
Great thank you! I only want to lose 10-15lbs. I read what your wrote to OP about the last few lbs being the toughest. Do you think I will experience that stubbornness right from the beginning since I don't want to drop too much weight? Or is that irrelevant?
I posted a question like this - not worded as well as you tho. I haven't done the IF but wanted to learn about it and I got bombarded by hateful messages :( but can you tell me more about it or tell me a website to learn about it. Thank you! And great work so far!
Yes all that sounds good to me! I like Hispanic and Asian dishes just nothing too fishy
I like things that would be I guess considered traditional American dishes. I'm a fan of slow cooker dishes or stir fries because you can combine tons of veggies with protein in a usually easy to make meal with lots of flavor. My favorite ingredients would be... Cilantro Chicken prepared any way Shellfish Rice and pasta…
That just might have to be my dinner tomorrow, that sounds delicious!
And what is quark and meatza? I know I could google it but I'm already here lol
Is there a substitution for the tofu you'd recommend? I can't stand the texture - I haven't had it often but when I have I didn't care for it Thank you!
Thank you! And I'm glad that the meals you posted seem like things I would try :) Im a bit cautious when it comes to things that are foreign and I can't pronounce ... Not trying to be rude to those who like international dishes, they're just not all for me and seem overwhelming to find all the ingredients
I'm saying that everyone has the right to share their opinion but please do it in a nice way. No need for attacking words. It's okay to disagree with a persons opinion or program. That goes for both sides, OP and those who reply to the posts.
Completely agree :) opinions are one thing, putting someone down is another. There are kinder ways to get your opinion across. It's my first day here... First 2 hours actually...and I've already felt attacked for asking a question.