NightShadeMary Member


  • I'm in the exact same boat. 5'9" with PCOS, currently floating in the 250-260 range. Like Fiona, I wear an 11 shoe, have large hands, natural muscles, and fairly broad shoulders and a large frame. I was down to 190 several years ago and looked/felt really good. I've had a long shot goal of 170, but honestly, I don't know…
  • I'm getting back into strength training now. It makes me feel so powerful. I love it!
  • Definitely find a calculator to see what your daily caloric intake should be, versus what you're eating. And do it on a few different calculators and get a good average. I agree with others who recommend a variety of food, and also, don't forget your healthy fats! Avocados, walnuts, butter (in moderation), fatty fish…
  • OMG yes. That's me with almonds, or an extra little spoonful of frozen yogurt.
  • Awesome! Mine is a couple months old now, but it makes me laugh and keeps me sane at work.
  • I wear orthotics for low arches & bunions. 99% of the time, I'm either wearing sneakers or Birkenstocks. I do have a couple of other shoes that my orthotics fit in, but I rarely wear them. One issue with switching orthotics between shoes (if it's a full sole orthotic) is that it may not fit the shape of a different shoe.…
  • My breakfast is usually one of two options. One is overnight oats: Bob's Red Mill thick cut oats, almond milk, plain greek yogurt, vanilla, dash of salt, sweetener, cinnamon, & chia seeds, with blueberries mixed in. The other is two scrambled eggs sprinkled with shredded cheese, black pepper, & turmeric, with toast and…
  • I think calories are calories, no matter what time you eat them. My biggest concern would be eating a large amount of food late at night, which can raise your heart rate and make it harder to fall asleep, plus you risk acid reflux from eating and then lying down. But I think an apple for an evening snack is totally fine.
  • I swear by my food scale. I recommend getting one that plugs in v/s running on batteries. The batteries run out really fast, and the one I had before used 9V, so the batteries were more expensive to boot! I think I got mine for ~$30 on Amazon. Scales are awesome, because using measuring cups can be misleading. For example,…
  • Judging from your pics, I think you're doing fine. As others have said, it's not always about the number on the scale, but also about how you feel. If you're feeling healthy and you want to keep working for 125, that is a decision for you to make, not your sister. I agree with everher: I wouldn't jump to saying she's…
  • Friends welcome! I'm 11 pounds into my goal of 86. Starting weight was 276.8 and first goal is 190 - see how I feel when I get there.
  • I walk for my cardio and I love it! My goal is to walk at least four days a week - usually weekdays. My time goal is at least twenty minutes, but I usually do between thirty and forty. The twenty minutes is my pep talk for unmotivated days. "Look, I know you don't feel like it, but we just have to do twenty minutes, then…
  • Well done!!! Congratulations!!
  • Sarah Morgan, it's been a few days, and I hope you're feeling better now! I too have addiction/binge problems with sugar/fat/carbs, and transitioning out of them can be a rough time. It's not just you!! I find that cold turkey (or nearly cold turkey) is the best way for me, because it's too easy for me to binge if I keep…
  • Mid-level geek/nerd here as well. Harry Potter (proud Ravenclaw), LotR, Whovian, Buffy, MCU (Team Cap), Sherlock and I can still sing the entire Tiny Toon Adventures theme song. I also do theatre and play a little acoustic guitar. Considering going back to school for a STEM degree in the future... don't want to spend the…
  • Jax, you look badass and amazing! What an inspiration! I've wanted to slap a few doctors in the past. I went to see a new cardiologist several years ago, and he was looking at my bloodwork (elevated cholesterol and triglycerides) and family history (diabetes is common on the maternal side) and he said "Do you have…