I'd say it depends on what your running goals are. All I know is that running everyday is probably more detrimental than beneficial. Take dedicated rest days. 2 rest days is ideal. Then focus on the quality and variations of the runs that you do partake in. Running the same distance every day at same pace won't necessarily…
If by 'runner's high' you mean endorphin release, overall positive feelings after a run, or the feeling of more energy, then I'd say it is more common than people think, but probably varies by individual. For me, I get the 'good feeling' because mentally, I feel less stressed and feel 'accomplished'. As in your case,…
There are many factors that will determine how fast you will see results, many of which fluctuate based on the individual, therefore, an accurate determination of the speediness of your results can't be made. YOU would have the best answer for this, since you KNOW your own body the best. My body tends to adapt pretty fast,…
What type of cardiovascular exercise are you doing, and what is the duration of that type exercise each day? Also, what percent of your carb intake and what type of carbohydrates are you providing yourself daily?
Hello, and welcome! What are your goals? Just weight loss? What is your current routine and lifestyle mission?