VykkDraygoVPR Member


  • Unless you are diabetic, or trying to do low carb, then don't worry about it. Sugar alone won't hamper your weight loss. :)
  • Vodka is... well, vodka. Not worth the calories for something you can't taste, imo. I eat peanut butter M&M's a lot. But that's cause they are in the vending machines at work. At home, I tend to go for ice cream, if I have the calories, those fruit and veggie popsicles (35 - 40 calories for the small ones), or some form of…
  • Those lists... I don't even.
  • I dunno. I don't get cravings for calorie dense, nutrient void foods. I want those foods, but it isn't a craving. They just sound good. The only time I've had cravings, it's been for veggies or fruits. Doesn't happen often, so I usually indulge. Doesn't mean that cravings represent needs, though!
  • I try to eat chocolate most everyday. I'm still losing! Just keep it in your goals. As long as your logging is accurate, you should still lose just fine. Chocolate is tasty. No way I'd cut that out. :) Soda is a non-issue for me though.
  • So I really didn't earn those extra slices of pizza? :(
  • It has nothing to do with fairness, it's legal mumbo jumbo. Is it really a big deal, anyhow?
  • My family has never made a big production of Christmas meals. So, aside from extra candy, and cookies, I'll probably have pretty much the same food as always.
  • It doesn't suggest it, I outright said it. xD Atkins was a fad. It's waned. There are still people that adhere to it, but I think that most people just do low carb in general, rather than the Atkins diet itself. I dunno if you remember, but years ago, you couldn't go to a book store without seeing it everywhere. Now you…
  • I've been enjoying going down in pants sizes. I only had one pair of 38's, and two pairs of 36's. So now that I am back down in 34's, I have a MUCH expanded wardrobe. I'm wearing one of my 36's today. And they're in danger of slipping off my hips. I really should have worn a belt, but I was too busy this morning to…
  • Atkins works. Would you not consider it a fad? All raw foods is unnecessary. It's part of the "eating clean" fad. You can do it, but it's pretty pointless (and ridiculously expensive). But whatever floats your boat, ya know. As long as you hit your goals, and you're healthy and satisfied.
  • You might be able to squeeze in by that time. Put your stats in to MFP, and set your goal to two pounds a week. Buy a digital kitchen scale (~$10), weigh every solid food you eat, and measure all liquids. You don't need to restrict anything specific, just eat fewer calories. I would do cardio, and body strength training as…
  • I wouldn't log it. I know playing guitar for a while can make me sweat a little, but I don't really feel my heart rate going up. Unless you start seeing a discrepancy in expected loss versus actual loss (as in, you lose more than expected), in which case you might want to start logging it. But yeah, even when I get…
  • Everyone has covered all of this pretty well. My only addition is to suggest roasting veggies with cajun seasoning. So good! Broccoli and Brussel's sprouts especially. I use about a teaspoon of olive oil to help the seasoning stick, but it's not absolutely necessary. Good luck in your journey! On the hard days, just…
  • Just because a doctor gives you a prescription, it doesn't mean that you need to take it. Steroids are (usually) in the same vein as pain killers. If you need the relief, then take them, if not, then don't sweat it. Any way, OP, as long as you log correctly, and eat within your goals, you'll be fine. I don't like…
  • My dad is the same way, so I understand! :)
  • Just going to say, 7 pounds in the first week isn't too much. The first week is usually accompanied by a significant loss of water weight. If you keep losing that much over the next few weeks, then you should start worrying! :)
  • Congratulations on your achievements! Without knowing your mom, she might just be worried because seeing that kind of change is jarring. It's a drastic change in appearance. I know my mom kept telling me things like that (like, I was wasting away, etc., at about 230 pounds... hah), but she wasn't discouraging me. That…
  • Goodness gracious. Hell no. I like getting home, and having food in my house, but not the shopping. Now, I can get excited about planning a meal, but the act of buying the ingredients. Ugh. But I also have a blind spot in my left eye (had a small hemorrhage earlier this year). It can make reading labels a literal pain.…
  • Height? It's possible that you don't need to eat only 1200 calories. If you set your loss goal to two pounds a week, then that is probably too aggressive. Try setting your goals to one pound a week, and see if that is more sustainable. I'm useless when it comes to vegetarian meals though. Protein satiates me the most, so…
  • I'm 6'3", and about 240 lbs. I lose two pounds a week on 1700. I am willing to bet that the food scale will really surprise you. It's very helpful! You should be able to get a good digital scale for about $10-$15. You only need to drink less if it's interferring with your food intake. If you just like water, then it…
  • I went from a size 44 pants, down to size 34. Dunno how much weight it was, but it was a lot. I didn't get treated any differently. I was getting more attention, but not treated better than I was when fat. I didn't like the attention though, as I don't really like being stared at (introverted). I had to change my outlook,…
  • Yeah, that should sort out the problem. Just make sure you have a reasonable deficit (1/2 a pound a week, I'd say), and you should see it come off soon! If that doesn't sort it, then try eating back fewer exercise calories. :)
  • My diary is even more abysmal (more liquor, more ice cream, maybe more pizzas, definitely more tacos), and I've lost about 34 pounds over the last 94 days. Yay for science! Understanding cico makes dieting way more manageable and far less stressful. But, it's ridiculously easy to maintain a huge deficit as a large male. It…
  • A few ways. Black, for daily consumption. I make some cold brew in my French press, and that lasts about two days. Latte, when I go to a top notch local coffee shop. Their espresso is smoky, nutty, and delicious. Perfect for a plain latte. Sometimes I will make espresso at home. This is usually for spiked coffee, which…
  • Or just switch to bourbon. There are some great bourbons in the $20 range.
  • I think it's actually the hops that trigger it. It feels the same as a flare up from pollen, so runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes. I found that hopped cider (Woodchuck's Hopsation!) has the same effect, whereas normal cider doesn't. It could be the yeast, though. Not worth testing for, really. One of my favorite…
  • I don't like milk (unless it has chocolate in it), and too much of it will make me just feel kind of icky. I drink unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I actually enjoy the taste. If milk doesn't bother you, then don't cut it out! So far as I can tell, ice cream, cream, and cheese don't both me (yogurt and sour cream will…