kejLa86 Member


  • @Serindipte, ty, maybe I should dare raise my calories then.. @jeromebarry1, what I was asking was if I should raise the calories to 1600, mfp is currently telling me 1200, which is what I've been doing, well around 1150 average. And not sure what the USDA is, I'm to Swedish for that :'D
  • I am 169 cm, I weigh 83kg, 32 yo and following a 5k for beginners plan which is running every other day somewhere in between of 40-50 min/time with intervals interspersed with distance. As to measuring food, I weigh it, is there any other way really to be sure? =)
  • Well, patience is not my strong suit, apparently :p Soo, I guess I'll wait and see what happens, guess it doesn't help when I can't do any working out atm either, so yea, just a frustrating time in life :D cheers all :)
  • Well, low cal, not vlcd, so 1000-1200 calories a day, which is what I should be having. Just specified what type of diet it is, as in, not low carb or high fat or w/e. Anyways, as here in Sweden they recommend 0.7-1 kilo a week to be a good weight loss and me being on that average for such a long time it was very weird…
  • Thank you all for your advise :) I guess I'll just have to stay healthy and carry on, however it is VERY frustrating when your dear loving boyfriend keeps losing and losing ;p
  • Maybe I was a bit unclear in my original post. I have lost, 10.7 kg over these 11.5 weeks, it is now, this past week I've come to a standstill. And that's what I'm not understanding.. Like I said, maybe I'm being a bit impatient, but nothing.. absolutely nothing :/
  • Like I said, I rarely exercise, so no eating back there. And I weigh absolutely everything, to the point of annoying people around me :D