alohajls Member


  • I'm generally very forthright in such situations--if someone were smoking in the gym, for instance, I would pipe up immediately--but the gym in my building has very few rules, which means if I don't like the way others are conducting themselves, the onus is on me to either stay and ignore it/suck it up, or leave. I once…
  • My encounter with an emotional support dog at the empty gym in my apartment building: I'm on the treadmill, almost done. A young woman walks in and I hear her walk behind me (the treadmills face the window) to the other side of the gym. Then I smell it--that wet dog smell. I look over to her and she has a yellow lab with…
  • If you're trying to lose weight, you need to eat less. Exercise is good for you, and you should do it, but it won't help much in losing weight. As someone with terrible knees (I'm bone on bone) and arthritis just about everywhere, I really recommend seeing a doctor, then physical therapist for proper exercises over a…
    in Walking Comment by alohajls August 2019
  • No. I've tried that a couple times, but it never worked for me. That idea that if you don't eat sugar for a week, a month, whatever--you won't want it anymore? Nope. I will always want the cupcake.
  • Here's what I did when I weighed 300+ pounds: I walked in cemeteries. Cemeteries are usually empty of people (the living ones), pretty and well landscaped, have paved paths and serve as a great reminder that life is short and the walk is good for you. I was lucky and my cemetery was a beautiful, small, 19th century example…
  • Ha, I'm a lat prodigy, maybe? I'll take the win, but I think it has more to do with the muscles I've needed to haul my big carcass around. I'm trying to keep what I have as I lose more weight!
  • I've lost a lot of weight (100 pounds) and still have a lot to go (ug, at least 60). I'm approaching 50 years old, have been obese forever and can't say I like much about the way my body looks. BUT--the other day I was at the gym and the young guy using the weight machine (lat pull down) before me was being nice and…
  • According to my recent bloodwork, I had a severe Vitamin D deficiency (I can't remember how it was worded, it sounded dire!), but I had no symptoms. I got the same (huge!) 50,000 unit pills to take once a week. I didn't feel bad before, and didn't feel any different after taking the pills. This article on Vitamin D was in…
  • I've gotten the same as others: 'You've lost weight. Annnnd, was this intentional?' Well, I weighed more than 300 pounds. Do you just want to ask me if I have cancer? (I don't) If I had weight loss surgery? (I didn't) We're all adults here, just say what you want to say! The weirdest to me is when people really don't…
  • I had something very similar to the image you posted. Anywhere something touched my skin, I would get angry red welts--around my waist where my clothes hit, under my bra straps, etc. In the morning I would wake up with my entire side enflamed from the pressure of sleeping on it all night. I, too, thought bed bugs, but that…
  • I like you. And I look forward to adopting this approach on a less knee-punishing form of cardio!
  • Another survivor of Trader Joe's in NYC (upper west side). When you need a sherpa to find the end of the line that is snaking through the store--literally, there is a guy standing with a tall sign that says 'end of line here'! But, all the prices are the same as everywhere else in the country, which makes for scandalously…
  • Scooby has some enlightening information about weight fluctuations:
  • I've been restricting calories since August 2015 and have lost about 125 pounds thus far. I took one break this past April--about 10 days of eating roughly at maintenance while my mom visited from out of town (she lives outside the US and wants nothing more than to eat alllll the American food when she comes back!). I…
  • Good to hear there can be improvement!
  • Vintage clothes! I've lost a good deal of weight pretty quickly (about 120 pounds since last August) and I'm at that point where I don't know what I look like, or what size I wear, or what looks good on me. And I need all new clothes! Shopping is a revelation. I love vintage clothes but have never EVER been able to wear…
  • Child's Pose! Seriously. The easiest of poses and I absolutely cannot do it, my butt does not get even remotely close to seated. My quads are insanely tight! Some people want to run a marathon, I just want to do child's pose. I do, however, have super flex-y hamstrings and love doing downward facing dog and forward bends…
  • I stay at a condo on the north shore of Kaua'i, so I generally go grocery shopping and cook at home. When I'm there, I eat a lot of poke (POH-kay). It's raw salmon, some oil and avocado (with variations). I get it at the Foodland in Princeville, very tasty and lots of protein. I get sushi there, too. Check out the farmers…
  • Thanks for posting this. Congratulations, OP, you've done an amazing job! I have similar issues. I started at about 325+, and am now about 210, also 5'10". I definitely have more weight to lose, at least 40 pounds. I, too, have been fat all my life and at 45, I have no illusions about a miraculous recovery for my skin. The…
  • I worked from home the better part of the last year, during which I've lost about 110 pounds. Pre-logging was key for me (I do it the night before). If I left my afternoon snack to chance, things could get real ugly real fast. The kitchen is so close! There's tasty food in there! I planned everything out so choice was (for…
  • We are very similar! I've lost about 110 pounds in the past year and probably have 50 left to go (hard to even think of that since this is the lowest I have weighed in my adult life). I exercise a little, but mainly just cut way back on my eating. I'm a few pounds from 'overweight' and 'onederland'! Buying clothes these…
  • I hear you! I've lost 110 in the past year, and still have about 50 to go--good for us both. What has helped me not think about food quite as much is to pre-log my meals and snacks for the day. This eliminates choice--I don't have to think about whether I want a salad, or soup or a piece of fruit or cheese or popcorn…
  • The shoulder is a complicated joint. It's hard to suggest a course of action without actually knowing what is wrong. I did much the same thing, pushed too hard in a workout back in October and ended up with serious shoulder pain (the kind that keeps you up at night). I was diagnosed with biceps tendonitis and spent 4…
  • For breakfast I sometimes have a small smoothie with fruit (about 100g of whatever is on hand), a little yogurt (45 g, preferably full fat) and a little protein powder (I vary this depending on my daily needs, usually about 6-12 g). With that, I will heat up half a light english muffin (50 calories, has some fiber, too)…
  • I am so with you! I am generally a 10.5, but at my heaviest was more of an 11. And I'd rather stay an 11 because 10.5 is the worst! Why, why did someone somewhere decide to skip 10.5 and go directly from 10 to 11 in women's shoe sizes?? It doesn't even make sense.
  • This recipe is amazing: Reducing the bananas is a little more work, but totally worth it. I just use the recipe builder on MFP and get about 10 decent-sized slices out of it, with each at about 225 calories.
  • Each night I pre-log the next day's meals. This has been perhaps the single best step I have taken in losing weight. My calorie goal is fairly low, so I want to make sure I maximize satiety and enjoyment--planning is key for this. If you told me a year ago I would do this I would tell you you were crazy! I am the former…
  • I love that lotion, I use it everywhere. You can also get ammonium lactate lotion (12%), which is the generic version of Amlactin. It is often behind the pharmacist's counter, you just need to ask for it (I call ahead as they often have to order it). It doesn't have a pretty smell, but it's much cheaper.