hblack5 Member


  • I am right there with you!!! I get my workouts in, but the eating is my downfall. I eat when I get bored, stressed, or upset. The last few days all I want to do is eat. I just joined a contest with some friends that is being held by a local trainer in my town. I want to lose 20 lbs and I don't want to let my team down.…
  • Day 3 did not go as planned :( The first few days of school are always busy and I have had trouble fitting in my morning snack and lunch. Today I ate breakfast at 7:45, then I didn't eat again until 3pm. Unfortunately, I caved and ate a piece of birthday cake. I continued to eat when I got home. Now I'm over it and I am…
  • Welcome to the group Mark! I hope you had a good Labor Day weekend!
  • Hi Ladies! I would love to help you on your journey. I have 20 pounds that I would like to lose. For me it is all about motivation and accountability!
  • I am right there with you! I do great during the week and on the weekends there are so many temptations!