chezacoote Member


  • Thank you all :) I think it's just a struggle for me to learn to loose weight slowly in order to keep it off. I'm used to that empty feeling and I need to get over that. I also need to stop standing on the scales every day and that only deflates me. This morning I put on a lb according to my scales, after being completely…
  • Thank you all for messaging :) hope we can all help each other. I struggle as I work away from home all week and have nowhere to cook. This leads to bad food choices and also being away from family means I think I can eat what I want :( x
  • Hi, Ye my life and work have taken over but now I need to get a good 5 stone off ha! Though a few lb at a time will do just so I feel less unhealthy
  • Hi, thanks for the reply, I really need to get this weight sorted but I struggle like mad with motivation. I think it would be great to have people to chat to when it's getting hard so I don't keep annoying my boyfriend lol