Patriciaenola Member


  • I am certainly inspired by this story I would welcome any success story I like a high protein low carb set up but I like fruit too any one who reads my posts can chip in if they like - but later this year I am 81 - please do not recommend cycling - I have poor balance - lost 10lbs since july 2015 - can't be bad???
  • Many things help a person - even when dogged persistance fails - you should wise up and be aware of critique that is inappropriate - or mis-placed my life as a child / young woman - was picked apart and practically destroyed by my Mother's Second Husband (he who may not be named - ref quote Harry Potter) By the time I left…
  • Eating hastily could mean missing essential nutrients - but if you are too slow it indicates that you like cold food - unfortunately - a family connection has been broken because they like to chivvy one into "speeding up for gods-sakes" - unkind - but they are like eating in an oinkery - it is solely a matter of preference…
  • Anyone hoping to lose 5lb a week is asking for too much - sorry love - truly !! but also too much protein - where do you reckon you get muscles from - PROTEIN - either way it does not sound a balanced form of eating see what ChrisM8971 says re carbs and fats - that is a good point - I do so wish you well - but - stick to…
  • When I get the chance to do this - Congratulations by the way - I shall keep one complete old set of clothing - for the sake of occasionally putting it on - to "scare myself" into laughing - "I aint never going back to that"
  • It is worth remembering also that Green Tea (and black too) has a similar amount of caffeine in it as may be found in coffee!! For Isaack's comment - the effect is similar to coffee and it equally boosts your mood - not metabolism - but marketing ploys are so transparent I doubt if they fool any of US
  • If you have a blender - use it to make a vegetable smoothie - it blends well with spinach which I do not like - but Heck!! it's good for the health I am new here but now at LAST losing weight - I blend a lot of spinach with a stick or two of celery - a tad of garlic salt dash of lemon and it should be chilled - also tried…