Lol ladybug that's a great feeling =)
Hello all reminder add me so we can keep this going =) If you just had a baby relax take it easy and enjoy your time with your new addition do not stress on the weight because that will make it all even worse when it comes to weight loss. When you are able to have "you" time then start easing your way back into the fitness…
I will love for all of you to add me so we can achieve together. It's great to have others who know what your going through =) look foward to this !!
Hey we have the same amount to lose...I will message you and we can work on this together
Lol Hi Frank I agree well feel free to add I will always help with a personal. Who's goal it is to better themselves! ! And jmarch hello well add me I have sent you a request and let's get this going =)
Hi jenn!! It's always fun to train your body and watch how you grow stronger and stronger every day. Then you try to lift the same weight and it becomes to easy lol.i am here to help let's do this !
Hi Cody January is the big day that's amazing and congratulations! !! As well as congratulations on your baby. Babies are blessings after is when the struggle begins. I went from 160 to 190 on 9 mths it was crazy. I am here to help with anything you need.
Heyyyy =)
beach_boxing_fitness_body add on instagram as well as here always awesome to have other moms aboard the fitness train =)
beach_boxing_fitness_body add on instagram helps to have motivated people around to push one another add as well on here quiet new
beach_boxing_fitness_body add instagram as well as here motivation is a part of who u surround yourself with as well. Motivation is within yourself but it's always good to have extra set of hands to help you succeed as well
beach_boxing_fitness_body instagram add me here as well I was in the same boat
beach_boxing_fitness_body instagram add as well as here somewhat new =)
beach_boxing_fitness_body feel free to add =)