joshandles Member


  • Ummm, whoa! We are talking about he leaving her because of her size and he's not sure he can deal with it. This is a fitness/weight/exercise board forum. Stay on topic. She never brought up any of what you are referring to. I think you're on the wrong board. Jeez.
  • If you like or even love someone, you do so UNCONDITIONALLY. NO excuses. NO worrying about what others will think. NO faking. NO using. NO remarks made about height, weight, race, religion, etc. Something's wrong and it's HIM. Let him GO. If he was the right one for now, we wouldn't be talking about him........
  • My knees ached and bothered me. I dropped 20 lbs and amazingly my knees stopped aching. I've lost 75 lbs and my knee pain is GONE.
  • If that doesn't motivate you, what will????? :)
  • Mother's Day 2014
  • Here's my before--eating a Christmas cookie with my coffee Dec 2010
  • I think he's a chicken *kitten* and is having second thoughts or someone else is in his scope. STAY ON TRACK. Lose weight and when he comes around, tell him you don't do shallow men. I was about 200+ lbs when I met my BF (now husband). I ballooned up to 237 over the years we were together and NOT ONCE did he ever cheat on…
  • Alcohol will pack on the pounds. I'd go a month without it then gradually allow yourself one maybe once every couple to three days and see how you do.
  • I had a Fitbit but like with anything else, I lost interest in it after awhile. I liked that it tracked my steps but I like My Fitness Pal better. I like saving $$. I had an Activelink for use during the time I did Weight Watchers but alas, that I outgrew too.
  • It works! I started on the 3rd and so far I'm down 6.5 pds. I did find that if you watch your calories and stay within the limit, if you indulge in things like Nature Valley granola bars (the 2 pk oatmeal and ?) 2-3 x a day for snacks, they can mess ya up on sugar count. So best opt for something different. My lesson…