"Too heavy" he said to me



  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    At least he was honest with you and saved you finding out he was not compatible in the long run. He obviously has his views/opinions on what he's looking for in a partner and expressed them to you. Sorry it did not work out and I'm sure you will find somebody more compatible.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Sounds like a real a-hole. In case you lose a bunch of weight and he starts paying attention to you again, start thinking of clever quips now. You'll want to be ready with creative ways to tell him where he can shove it.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Eh, sounds like an excuse. "Too heavy" is the sort of excuse an insensitive person would say on the first date. It's not something you come up with 4 months in. He has lost interest for some other reason and decided "too heavy" was a "good excuse". I would wager it's not your weight or anything else to do with you. Dodged a bullet there!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    edited September 2015
    tcarmen85 wrote: »
    This was the tex I received from him "I really do enjoy hanging out with you and you are lots of fun. There's a lot of characteristics about you that I do like. However I'm afraid of myself. I've never dated anyone heavier than me. I'm not sure how I would handle that in the long run. That may not be fair to you. that may not be fair to you. And perhaps I'm the one with the problem.
    karyabc wrote: »
    :/ please elaborate the exact words he told you , like "yeah you're actually too heave so no thank you? "

    Hey, I dated a guy who was the opposite... he told me that he wasn't used to being the fat one in the relationship. The man I'm head over heels in love with now was well worth the wait.

    Clearly your ex IS right - it's his problem.
  • LeWahnderful
    LeWahnderful Posts: 64 Member
    At least he was honest with you, and didn't just disappear.
  • I don't think what he said was that mean. It seems like he really liked hanging out with you but you weren't just his type physically? He maybe thought he could overcome the physical thing but after 4 months realized he couldn't? We all have our preferences.
  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    I don't think what he said was that mean. It seems like he really liked hanging out with you but you weren't just his type physically? He maybe thought he could overcome the physical thing but after 4 months realized he couldn't? We all have our preferences.

  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    At least he was honest with you, and didn't just disappear.

  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    Lol funny and Thank you
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    tcarmen85 wrote: »
    This was the tex I received from him "I really do enjoy hanging out with you and you are lots of fun. There's a lot of characteristics about you that I do like. However I'm afraid of myself. I've never dated anyone heavier than me. I'm not sure how I would handle that in the long run. That may not be fair to you. that may not be fair to you. And perhaps I'm the one with the problem.
    karyabc wrote: »
    :/ please elaborate the exact words he told you , like "yeah you're actually too heave so no thank you? "

    Hey, I dated a guy who was the opposite... he told me that he wasn't used to being the fat one in the relationship. The man I'm head over heels in love with now was well worth the wait.

    Clearly your ex IS right - it's his problem.

  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes I agree thank you so much
    KateTii wrote: »
    Eh, sounds like an excuse. "Too heavy" is the sort of excuse an insensitive person would say on the first date. It's not something you come up with 4 months in. He has lost interest for some other reason and decided "too heavy" was a "good excuse". I would wager it's not your weight or anything else to do with you. Dodged a bullet there!

  • kidrow21
    kidrow21 Posts: 67 Member
    tcarmen85 wrote: »
    After 4 months of constantly seeing each other (no sex involved).... He decided I was too heavy to have a relationship with me... Big shock since he saw what I looked like before he met me. Sooo confused?!?! We had so much in common and alway had a blast when we were together.

    Four months no sex? Mmmm interesting
  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    Lol! I never dated a man that didn't want to sleep with me i'm pretty sure it was because I have a huge booty
    kidrow21 wrote: »
    tcarmen85 wrote: »
    After 4 months of constantly seeing each other (no sex involved).... He decided I was too heavy to have a relationship with me... Big shock since he saw what I looked like before he met me. Sooo confused?!?! We had so much in common and alway had a blast when we were together.

    Four months no sex? Mmmm interesting

  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    Lol yeah I may keep him as a friend for motivation
    Sounds like a real a-hole. In case you lose a bunch of weight and he starts paying attention to you again, start thinking of clever quips now. You'll want to be ready with creative ways to tell him where he can shove it.

  • gailbruno
    gailbruno Posts: 6 Member
    What a POS! Weight has nothing to do with it. It's about getting to know someone and seeing if there's an attraction or connection. He is obviously a superficial misogynist and I would of told him thanks for a waste of 4 months. He could of told you this day one. I would of told him he's too skinny! You weren't attracted to him anyway and to kiss your butt! He did you a favor and definitely not boyfriend material.
  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    LOL He has a big belly (not skinny) Thank you so much for your words quote="gailbruno;33921291"]What a POS! Weight has nothing to do with it. It's about getting to know someone and seeing if there's an attraction or connection. He is obviously a superficial misogynist and I would of told him thanks for a waste of 4 months. He could of told you this day one. I would of told him he's too skinny! You weren't attracted to him anyway and to kiss your butt! He did you a favor and definitely not boyfriend material. [/quote]

  • joshandles
    joshandles Posts: 11 Member
    I think he's a chicken *kitten* and is having second thoughts or someone else is in his scope. STAY ON TRACK. Lose weight and when he comes around, tell him you don't do shallow men. I was about 200+ lbs when I met my BF (now husband). I ballooned up to 237 over the years we were together and NOT ONCE did he ever cheat on me, or tell me I needed to lose weight. EVER! 8 yrs after we were together, we married and I was still heavy. In 2012, I had enough of being fat and me and me alone decided to lose it. Over 2 yrs, I lost 75 lbs! YOU GOT THIS! I'm still married, he's accepted me as I am. THAT is the type of guy you want. Focus on you and I guarantee, the right man will come a long. HE'S NOT IT!
  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    He pursued me all the way to the end, we even got tested for std's per his request he treated me like a girlfriend he would get 'excite"when i hugged him or kissed him on the cheek but no sex so very confusing! quote="newmeadow;33921253"]
    tcarmen85 wrote: »
    I love sex, he was the one not puttin out LOL! Thanks .

    I guess I don't quite understand it then. He was able to agree to go out with you in the first place and also, apparently, was able to get it up for a "heavy" woman. And he was getting it up for four months with you. Plus he's fat too. Very mysterious.


  • joshandles
    joshandles Posts: 11 Member

    Here's my before--eating a Christmas cookie with my coffee Dec 2010
  • joshandles
    joshandles Posts: 11 Member

    Mother's Day 2014
  • tcarmen85
    tcarmen85 Posts: 85 Member
    Congratulations! that is wonderful and thank you for your awesome comment!
    joshandles wrote: »
    I think he's a chicken *kitten* and is having second thoughts or someone else is in his scope. STAY ON TRACK. Lose weight and when he comes around, tell him you don't do shallow men. I was about 200+ lbs when I met my BF (now husband). I ballooned up to 237 over the years we were together and NOT ONCE did he ever cheat on me, or tell me I needed to lose weight. EVER! 8 yrs after we were together, we married and I was still heavy. In 2012, I had enough of being fat and me and me alone decided to lose it. Over 2 yrs, I lost 75 lbs! YOU GOT THIS! I'm still married, he's accepted me as I am. THAT is the type of guy you want. Focus on you and I guarantee, the right man will come a long. HE'S NOT IT!