BrendaDonaldson2015 Member


  • Working on changing my mind set about food. Less is more!! Was so excited last night I was eating and finally felt full, need to make sure I listen to that filling. Talking with my son this morning, his little girl is a very good eater and he’s worried, she is a little over a year and can eat. So after talking to him, I…
  • Went to tops again did not lose I did not gain so I guess that’s a plus. Which is sad that Im really am trying and the scale isn’t showing anything. I thinkI feel better. I hate that that food is on my mind all the time. I think about it and trying to be mindful Trying not to eat things I shouldn’t eat
  • Doing pretty good on some goals, makeup everyday but 1. Haven’t walker been to cold and very busy at work. Focusing on eating healthier, started cinnamon and cayenne tabled and started drinking apple cider vinegar lemon water. Had lots of energy today. Out of lantus but talking all other meds did miss night meds on…
  • Today’s New Years Eve, my goals for the year 1. Take my medication every day and bed time. To get off at least 1/2 of my meds at bed time by the end of the year. 2. Would love to get under 200# and never see it again in my life. Eat heather! 3. To walk at least 2018miles in 2018 at do at least 2 walks even if they are just…
  • Today’s goal to stopping drinking pop. I am currently drinking diet pop. But starting today it’s, water, or tea or coffee if I can get to liking it black
  • Would love to add you just not sure how
  • I been playing with this app for a while. I decided to pay for it hoping to find the support I need. I got to to tops and last 20 pounds from 10/16 to 9/17 then I gained it all back. I’m so tried of been fat. Don’t want to be skinny just healthy and comfortable and not embarrassed every time I see a picture of myself. 2015…