30 DAY CHALLENGE:- 2nd January - 31st January 2018

Morning Everyone,

I will be doing a 30 day challenge from the 2nd January - 31st January.

If anybody would like to join me please feel free...


  • annalicous
    annalicous Posts: 55 Member
    The reason for starting on the 2nd is because the everybody is usually still engaging in the new year festivities...
  • vickypickup
    vickypickup Posts: 1 Member
    I will join you x
  • rajanihegde7jul
    rajanihegde7jul Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in
    Help me do the best of me
  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    Yes please!
  • lucythiele
    lucythiele Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking for a 30 day fitness challenge!
  • Lil206
    Lil206 Posts: 16 Member
    Ok - just rejoined and happy to try anything from the 2nd... what’s involved?
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in!!!! I need all the motivation I can get
  • anuweight
    anuweight Posts: 2 Member
    I am in..
  • I would like to be in too
  • dodof
    dodof Posts: 2 Member
    Me too
  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    I'll join too please...need to do something! Thanks
  • keygates
    keygates Posts: 1 Member
    I would love for this year to be the last year that I lose this weight. I have no problem losing weight, the problem is keeping it off/motivation. I never really reach my goal either. I lose a little and then go back to old habits. Hopeful this will help. I’m in.
  • Resistive
    Resistive Posts: 212 Member
    Count me in too!
  • kathskelly53
    kathskelly53 Posts: 119 Member
    Count me in just what I need
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    One area of focus for 2018: find new ways to challenge yourself...I'm in.
  • ladycclear
    ladycclear Posts: 50 Member
    I love that you are starting on the 2nd, I might want that hangover breakfast and need the black eyed peas and pork. :smile:

    What’s the exact challenge for the 30 days?

    I like a challenge—heck every day is a new challenge—and I enjoy having group accountability, so count me in.

    I’m aiming for all of the below:
    Logging all food consumed for all 30 days.
    Being within 250 of calorie goal at least 23 of those 30 days.
    Losing 5-8 pounds by the end of 30 days.
    30 days of following my own rule: no solid food after 8pm (my trigger hours)
    30 days in a row with no “binge behavior” or emo-eating massive servings of sugar and processed foods.

    My diary is open and I will check in daily on MFP starting January 2, so feel free to friend request too if you just want another accountability friend. Cheers
  • I'm in !! wanna loose 7 pounds in January
  • wilbersec
    wilbersec Posts: 2 Member
    Me too. I’m in.
  • marsia1234
    marsia1234 Posts: 40 Member
    I’m in!
    Won a free 30 day challenge in the local gym, starting the 2nd!
  • I’m in!