becarrah Member


  • I enjoy The Ginger People Ginger Peanut Sauce as a salad dressing. 25 calories for two tablespoons. I like to add a couple of drops of sesame oil. Also Rachael Ray Balsamic Glaze. 20 calories per tablespoon. Both full of flavor for much fewer calories than traditional salad dressings.
  • Bad Moon Arising Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • I'd say mine is severe as well. It started when I was pregnant with my first child; she is now 30. I have been on most of the standard medications at one time or another. Right now I am taking Nexium, morning and night and Tums if I feel a flare coming on. If I don't take the meds, I am miserable. I just put a mattress…
  • Also reading Calypso and listening to The Last Letter from your Lover by Jojo Moyes.
  • Eastern Washington here.
  • All That's Left of Me by Janis Thomas
  • I've found a lot of great recipes on
    in Websites? Comment by becarrah July 2018
  • Internet is not working. My reaction is proportionally unreasonable. 😈
    in Vent here Comment by becarrah June 2018
  • I understand OP. I too have heavy meeting days when it's hard to get steps in during the day. I have to get them in before or after work and since my work days plus commute can be 11 to 12 hours, I am challenged some days to get over 5,000 steps. My goal is 7,000 with a stretch goal of 10,000.
    in Daily Steps Comment by becarrah May 2018
  • I make a salad using CC, cucumber, grape tomatoes, green onions, olives, and lots of dried thyme.
  • Me too but I try to keep it around 1400.
  • I liked this article I found in the blog: It helped me to easily locate some "healthier" items. I could not find the cauliflower fried rice though. Will look for that next time.
  • I've been consistently recording all my food and getting my steps in everyday. That plus cutting back on about 90% of my drinking, I'm down 11 pounds since the first of the year. There's no way I would have done this and continued drinking as much as I was. I mostly started down this path to lose weight and seriously…
  • Pennies from heaven
  • I love this thread-read it everyday for inspiration. I have succeeded in not drinking at all during the week but have allowed myself to have a few every weekend since the beginning of January. I am going to try to be AF this weekend and see how that goes. I think the weekend indulgence of food and alcohol is preventing me…
  • Ugh! Accepted an invitation to have a beer after work last night which turned into 3 followed by 3 pieces of pizza. Clearly I have control issues (with both alcohol and food) like many here have said. I know 3 beers is not that many but I drink heavy dark beers with high alcohol content and calories. I know I would have…
  • Original starting weight - 202.4 lbs 1/1/18 February starting weight -195.4 February goal - 190.4 Ultimate goal - 150 lbs I weigh in on Fridays. 2/2/2018 194.6 2/9/2018 194.4 2/16/2018 2/23/2018 2/28/2018 Disappointing week. I need to up my activity!
  • I am so inspired by this thread! I read it everyday and find myself nodding along with many of the comments made. I am one of those who is not planning on never drinking but I've gone from several beers a weekday (more each weekend/non-working day) to a few a weekend. My goal was to stop the daily drinking and to lose…
  • I've been lurking here and on the January site and I'm inspired and fascinated by all of your stories. I've kicked my daily beer habit to the curb so that I can lose weight and generally be more healthy. I've had a few occasions to have a beer or glass of wine and I've done so but the daily habit is gone and I am thrilled.…
  • I thought the same thing! Like Woo Hoo!
  • Original starting weight - 202.4 lbs 1/1/18 February starting weight -195.4 February goal - 190.4 Ultimate goal - 150 lbs I weigh in on Fridays. 2/2/2018 194.6 2/9/2018 2/16/2018 2/23/2018 2/28/2018
  • I'm in: Original starting weight - 202.4 lbs 1/1/18 February starting weight -tbd February goal - -5 Ultimate goal - 150 lbs I weigh in on Fridays. 02/02 02/09 02/16 02/27
  • Sixty today
  • If you like cheese and want a chip altnerative I found Cello Whisps at Costco. They have 1 carb per serving of 23 "chips". Very calorie dense so if you're also watching calories/fat you'll want to pay close attention to serving size. There's recipes for similar cheese chips on the internet. I also package up snack size…
  • If you're a Pinterest user, search for 350 calorie meals. You'll get plenty of ideas. :)
  • Tracked...yes Under calories...yes, virus kicked my butt I'm calling a sick day :)
  • Happy New Year! Tough day for me in some ways. I have a virus with a nasty cough that killed my appetite so I ate way under my calorie goal, but getting any real exercise in was out of the question. I did spend a good deal of the day removing Christmas decor and cleaning up afterwards and about 10 minutes stretching and a…