DRico1989 Member


  • Well I have anxiety, scoliosis, slipped disc and arthritis in my knees. So it helps me relax my body enough to where I am not in so much pain when I'm excerising. And if you eat before you smoke and hydrate your self properly the munchies aren't so bad. And if I do get the munchies I just make a healthy snack.. Weed does…
  • Man I smoked the last of mine today before and during my work out and no II didn't stop just grabbed my pipe and lit up. I had the best work out thus far.
  • Lmao. 257_Lag. Like I said everyone is different. :p
  • Btw thanks for all the feedback it's interesting to see everyone questions, thoughts, and experience. I'll try to respond as much as I can, I am a busy person. Btw my husband is a roofer him and the rest of the crew stay high all day and they get work done!!
  • If you smoke about a hour after your body is actually awake it's easier to get up and get things done. On the weekend my hubby and I will get up in morning eat breakfast smoke then clean our entire house then go out for our walk (we only get one day together). But we do a lot and feel good while doing it. And before…
  • I smoke as we have it which is about every other day.. But if I do have it and I'm about to work out, I'll definitely smoke. It helps relax me enough to where I'm not in chronic pain the whole time I'm exercise. I have a slipped disc and scoliosis.
  • Hell ya!!!
  • Thank you. I have been tracking all workouts and all calories. I'm trying very hard and my awesome boyfriend helps encourage me to get up and exercise. <3
  • I am doing zumba at home with floor exercises for about 40 min a day.