cmz81985 Member


  • Thank you for your advice. I made it through the day. I was just hungry today for some reason. This is day 11 or so for me of the decreases calories and for some reason today was hard. I definitely keep busy ( I have a 16 month old daughter) lol. But I was home today instead of at work so I was able to graze and keep…
  • My calorie amount is 1390 a day. Sometimes more if I'm at work and running around all day because of the steps adjustment.
  • Lol your sodium must be through the roof eating all those pickles lol.
  • Thanks everyone. There are some good tips here. I think I put in for the 2 pounds per week and I have about 40 pounds to lose so maybe I should t be as aggressive and shoot for 1 pound per week. Also maybe I should try some other foods to see what leaves me feeling fuller. I'm definitely drinking enough water....I've…
  • Lol probably not the best idea. If I ate every time I was hungry I'd be way over my calorie allotment for the day lol.