Hungry :(

What do you do when you've eaten your meal, given it time to sit....and your still hungry :(


  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Uuuuusually I eat again .
  • cmz81985
    cmz81985 Posts: 6 Member
    Lol probably not the best idea. If I ate every time I was hungry I'd be way over my calorie allotment for the day lol.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    Eat some fresh fruit preferably an apple. The fiber will help you feel full. Or try some yogurt, nuts or a protein bar. Drink a large glass of water after that and hopefully that will satisfy you.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Perhaps your daily allotment is too low for you....or perhaps you are not choosing filling (enough) foods.

    With 40 pounds to go, your weekly goals should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 pound

    Pound per week goals
    75+ lbs set to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs set to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs set to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs set to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs set to lose 0.5 lbs range

    MFP gives you a deficit with zero exercise built in. So you could add a walk or something to earn extra calories.

    Protein, fat, and fiber are all filling. If you ask people what keeps them full, you get different opinions. I can't stay full on a meal of low fat protein and green veggies (fiber).....I need some fat.

    Experiment with meal timing and macros.....see what helps you. Be sure to drink enough because thirst can feel like hunger too.
  • alcole2008
    alcole2008 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a 25 fl. oz. cup that I fill up with ice cold water and drink away. If I'm still hungry after drinking that, I grab a (healthy) snack. I've found when I don't starve myself throughout the day, I tend to not snack in the evening after dinner.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Basically, that's how I know I'm losing weight. If I'm hungry, I'm losing weight. If I'm not hungry, I'm not losing weight. Scale don't lie.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Perhaps your daily allotment is too low for you....or perhaps you are not choosing filling (enough) foods.

    With 40 pounds to go, your weekly goals should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 pound

    Pound per week goals
    75+ lbs set to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs set to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs set to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs set to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs set to lose 0.5 lbs range

    MFP gives you a deficit with zero exercise built in. So you could add a walk or something to earn extra calories.

    Protein, fat, and fiber are all filling. If you ask people what keeps them full, you get different opinions. I can't stay full on a meal of low fat protein and green veggies (fiber).....I need some fat.

    Experiment with meal timing and macros.....see what helps you. Be sure to drink enough because thirst can feel like hunger too.

    Agree with this. And I like to preplan my day to see where I'm at calorie-wise. You could try swapping some more calorie dense foods for some more nutrient dense, high volume foods.

    Also, you could try eating smaller meals more often if it helps; meal timing is pure preference, so you'll need to see if it works for you.
  • cmz81985
    cmz81985 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone. There are some good tips here. I think I put in for the 2 pounds per week and I have about 40 pounds to lose so maybe I should t be as aggressive and shoot for 1 pound per week. Also maybe I should try some other foods to see what leaves me feeling fuller. I'm definitely drinking enough water....I've always been good with that. Thank you guys.
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    How much are you trying to eat though? I can not survive on 1200 calories, I literally die. I am happy on my cut around 1700. When I started to get too active, even 1700 wasn't enough, and I started to binge because I was literally starving.

    Once you can learn the difference between hungry and boredom, it will really help too. :) I normally have a protein with everything I eat (I shoot for 170 grams a day) and that really has helped me personally stay full.
  • MrsSgtBerger
    MrsSgtBerger Posts: 46 Member
    I generally try and drink a cup of water or find veggies to snack on. Pickles are 5 calories a piece and by the 10th one I'm pretty full lol
  • cmz81985
    cmz81985 Posts: 6 Member
    Lol your sodium must be through the roof eating all those pickles lol.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Basically, that's how I know I'm losing weight. If I'm hungry, I'm losing weight. If I'm not hungry, I'm not losing weight. Scale don't lie.

  • cmz81985
    cmz81985 Posts: 6 Member
    My calorie amount is 1390 a day. Sometimes more if I'm at work and running around all day because of the steps adjustment.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    Basically, that's how I know I'm losing weight. If I'm hungry, I'm losing weight. If I'm not hungry, I'm not losing weight. Scale don't lie.

    Not true for everyone: I'm not usually hungry, and I've been losing weight quite handily! (If hungry, I eat. And my scale don't lie, either.)

    Early on in calorie deficit, hunger (perceived hunger, anyway ;) ) was more of an issue.

    @cmz81985, experiment to see (1) which foods you find satiating, and (2) what distribution of eating across the day will work best for you in terms of satiation, energy, cravings-avoidance, etc.

    Some people are satiated by protein (meat, fish, greek yogurt, soy, etc.), some by fiber (oatmeal, apples, beans, etc.), some by sheer physical volume of food (cabbage, broccoli, other non-calorie-dense veggies). Some folks even say they need carbs (bread, potatoes) to feel satiated - but for me, carb-y foods mostly just make me crave more carbs.

    Some people do better with a hearty breakfast, some prefer to save calories for dinner for satiation or social reasons. Some folks need some snacks between 3 bigger meals, some are best with just 3 well-defined meals, some do 5 small meals or graze through the day. There are darn near as many successful eating patterns as there are people losing.

    Some people need to go off added sugar (or whatever) to stop craving it, some need to eat small amounts of craved foods so the cravings don't get out of hand. Some are most successful substituting whole fruit for sugar-y treats.

    Exercise does "earn" more calories. Some find it reduces hunger, some have more hunger. (Almost everyone seems to find it improves mood, especially if one can find something that is enjoyable to do.

    As others have said, water may help. Or, if there's a chance that it's boredom-hunger or habit-hunger, consider taking up a new hobby, especially one that keeps your hands busy. Or do something distracting for a few minutes, see if the hunger dissipates.

    Try stuff; see what works best for you!
  • cmz81985
    cmz81985 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your advice. I made it through the day. I was just hungry today for some reason. This is day 11 or so for me of the decreases calories and for some reason today was hard.

    I definitely keep busy ( I have a 16 month old daughter) lol. But I was home today instead of at work so I was able to graze and keep hitting up small snacks. I just kept them somewhat healthy and somehow I stayed around my calorie goal.

    I am fine with the fruit instead of artificial sweets. I have been making a smoothie in the morning for breakfast out of fresh fruits, yogurt and milk. It's so good that it's like a treat. Next food shopping trip I'm going to try to get veggies to add to it so it's not just fruit.

    I have not been doing much exercise for a number of reasons. Kinda depending on the lessened calories to pave the way for the weight loss and then I will add in exercise once I've dropped a couple pounds. I really don't enjoy exercise and would rather spend time with my baby girl or straighten up the house.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Drink more water. Look at either carbs, fats, or protein's to see which would be the best thing to have, and choose as best I can. Then, along with it, I'll have a chocolite protein bar ( because they have about 10-11 g fiber. Then have another glass of water.

    That usually does it.
  • Tinawood40
    Tinawood40 Posts: 65 Member
    Some days are just hungry days. I'm usually fine but once in awhile I just feel hungry all day. I just try small healthy snacks and try to push through it and the next day I'm fine.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    I'm sure you'll find yourself feeling fuller after you get to the veggies! It's so easy snacking on veggies, so low cal... o:)
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member

    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Basically, that's how I know I'm losing weight. If I'm hungry, I'm losing weight. If I'm not hungry, I'm not losing weight. Scale don't lie.

    Not true for everyone: I'm not usually hungry, and I've been losing weight quite handily! (If hungry, I eat. And my scale don't lie, either.)

    Early on in calorie deficit, hunger (perceived hunger, anyway ;) ) was more of an issue.

    this :) my baggy pants don't lie ;) chicken broth helps or a large salad. if you still have some cals left eat 'em :p