LinC3003 Member


  • There are 2 outlets in Lancaster.....but there are also lots of stores with country stuff and stuff made by the Amish. We go to Lancaster several times a year just to shop, although it's true I already have a house filled with stuff and don't really need much. The stuff I really need for my house I'm not buying in…
  • I'm here!!! So I will be going to Lancaster County, PA (where the Amish live) this coming weekend to do some Christmas shopping. Looking forward to it. Leaving Friday AM and coming home Sunday evening. Going with my mom and my youngest daughter and her boys...and 3 out of 4 of my other daughter's kids. That daughter…
  • Rae......I can relate because I don't use my cell phone in my house at all because the reception there is so poor. To use the cell phone in the past, I had to walk out the door and down the driveway to get service. My laptop has been giving me problems too.....shutting down and all. But since my husband is an IT guy, we…
  • Hi ladies! I'm still here! Haven't been om mfp much simply because life has been crazy busy. But I'm still doing okay with trying to stay within my calorie allowance and all. Weight this AM was 172.9. Rae.....I wish you didn't live across the country. When I read that you had a good cry over Thanksgiving and it just being…
  • Hi Marla! Welcome to the group! Aliza....woah...a wedding with 1000 people....and super fancy to boot? Must have cost a fortune for whoever was paying for it. The last super fancy wedding we went to was for my nephew 2 years ago. The girl he married is a medical doctor....Irish Catholic, and the only girl in her family.…
  • I've been eating bran flakes every AM for breakfast to try to get more iron in me since the lab report from the cardiologist came back that I have low iron. The cardiologist is also supposed to be mailing me a lab order so I can have another blood draw to check it again. Wasn't here yet as of yesterday. In the meantime, I…
  • Well good morning ladies! It is a drizzly day here in NJ. Continuing to do good with watching calories. Haven't been exercising much.....but I have been busy because I decided to tackle my attic. Woah.....what a mess up was up there! Our house doesn't have a everything not being used (or only used…
  • I usually weigh every Saturday AM even though I weigh myself during the week sometimes. Well, this morning I am 176.7. That's 3.1 pounds down from last Saturday. Surprised but happy about that. So...the cardiologist office called me yesterday afternoon. Seems my recent bloodwork showed I am low in iron. I have to go get…
  • It is nice to be able to come here and share what's going on in our lives, isn't it? I already said this....but sorry about your step brother. It's sad that he couldn't change his ways permanently and now leaves behind a wife, kids and grandchildren way too early. Hope everything works out with your father-in-law. My…
  • Good morning! Got dressed in the master bathroom today where the scale happens to be. Usually I just get dressed in one of our other bathrooms so I don't slow my husband down when he is trying to get ready and use the bathroom/shower in the AM. So.....I weighed myself. 177.8 this AM! Happy dance! That scale is moving in…
  • Hang in there, Aliza. That scale will reward you soon enough. I don't know why it works this way for me, but when I am trying to lose weight and sticking to my 1200-1400 calories/day (usually try to stay at the 1200 calorie mark), if I have a few days where I go over (sometimes quite a bit over) of the calories I am…
  • Rae and Aliza.....thank you both for letting me vent the past few weeks. my daughter never paid back any of the $30,000...but it was never intended that she do. But no means are my husband and I super rich......but we actually gave both our daughters and our son $30,000 each when they were buying their first…
  • Well I'm still under 180 for 3 days in a row....woo hoo! My goals for November: 1. By Thanksgiving be under 175. 2. Keep on counting calories to make that goal weight happen! 3. Go to the sleep dr tomorrow and the cardiologist Wednesday and find out if I have sleep apnea and/or what caused the AFib. 4. Follow doctor…
  • I'm going to chime in here too! :smiley: I gradually put on weight going through menopause in my mid 40's. Since then, I've lost the weight and gained it back several times. I'm 59 now. Good news is that I find I lose it pretty quickly. However, when I stop counting calories and start eating like I did when I was…
  • Well....I did it! :smiley: I weighed in at 179.8 this AM! Made my goal of being under 180 by Halloween! A few days ago I didn't think I was going to make it. For at least half of October, I ate like I was on maintenance instead of trying to lose weight. But...I made a big effort the past several days to reach my goal...and…
  • Friday night.....I've had 3 really super good eating days. Good as in low cal and good choices. I will weigh myself in the AM. I had been hoping to be under 180 by Halloween. I know I'm close, but I think I'm still going to be in the 180's. I'm crossing my fingers though....and toes. :smiley: Hope everyone has a great…
  • I'm here! :smiley: I've been busy as usual. Eating has been spot on though. Keeping around 1200-1400 most days...but yesterday I only had 800 for the day and I wasn't even hungry last night. So I did my sleep test night to see about the sleep apnea. My husband is going to drop off the machine at the drs today for me. I…
  • Hooray for you for getting below 160! I've been doing good...not great....with eating. But I'm holding steady in the low 180's. Busy day watching grandchildren. Back at it again tomorrow..and the next day, and the next I know the feeling you're talking about. I get it when I've been successful at losing weight…
  • Well, yesterday (Friday), I still wasn't back on track with the eating. But I woke up in a great mind-set today and determined to get back on track and lose some more weight. Didn't weigh myself though. Don't want to see my weight is up on the scale and get discouraged. So I figured I'd weigh myself after a few days and…
  • Hello everyone! Amber.....wisdom teeth are a pain in the neck...or mouth, lol. I was lucky that I never had any. My son didn't have any either but one of my daughters had 4 wisdom teeth and had to have all 4 extracted because of overcrowding/spacing. My other daughter had 2....and when they erupted, she waited too long to…
  • Well......I don't do caffeine, don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs, I am not obese, and my thyroid has been checked 4 times the past 2 months. Heart echo, stress test, chest xray, ekg....all normal. So sleep apnea is the last thing they are considering. Next week sleep apnea test, follow up with sleep doctor and…
  • Low self esteem esteem is exactly what I am worried about with my daughter. She is educated, smart, beautiful, creative, talented...and a good mom.......but son in law has always been a killer to her self esteem. My daughter found herself in a position of having a terrible boss the past few months too. Young guy, new to…
  • Good luck on your check up, Aliza. While watching grandchildren can be tiring at times in so far as there are times I wish I had more time for myself.....but that will change in a few months as kids grow up, start school, etc......I love watching them and I really do love being a girl scout leader. I've been a leader for…
  • Good morning, ladies! I didn't post this weekend because I was super busy. Wasn't even online at all. Saturday I was shopping all day. Grocery shopping, Halloween shopping for craft stuff for 2 girl scout meetings this week, birthday shopping for my oldest granddaughter. Yesterday we had the whole family here for our…
  • Name: Lin Age:59 Height:5'6.5" Start Weight (1st October): Goal Weight (1st November):<180 1st October: 184.9 8th October: 183.6 15th October: 182 22nd October: 29th October: 1st November: Weight lost/gained this week: -1.6 Weight lost/gained this month: -2.9 Successes/struggles this week: I actually lost over 10 pounds…
  • Yay...I figured out how to put up a picture of myself in my profile! Unfortunately on the laptop I'm on right now, I don't have many photos of me to choose from. Anyway, that's me back in February at the Hoover dam. I weighed the most I ever weighed back then. Started back on a diet soon after this pic was taken. My hair…
  • 2 favorite nurses here both told me to just keep taking the meds for the next 3 weeks. That's when I see the cardiologist again. Their reasoning is that it's only for 3 more weeks and since I only had the AFib episodes 2 1/2 weeks ago, it wouldn't hurt to be proactive in that if I should have another episode,…
  • This afternoon I typed a whole bunch here...and my finger hit some key and "poof" all my writing went away. :( I'll try again. I usually watch grandchildren (some not all of them) 5 days a week......and yes, it does sometimes seem a bit much. However, I made the decision to watch them because I can't justify my…
  • Good morning all! How's everyone? I was sick yesterday. A very short lived stomach bug. Most of the younger grandchildren had it the past 3 weeks, so not surprised I finally got it. Good thing...I woke up feeling fine today. Another good thing......I was at 181.1 this AM. lol.....that's what you get when you don't eat much…
  • Oh....and as far as my diet is going.....last night was not good. I had a great day all day yesterday, then last night I took 3 of the grandchildren out to get Halloween costumes, then dinner, then to see the movie Pan. Dinner was at I had the pick 2 turkey sierra and chicken noodle soup. Not too bad as far as…