Name: Stacey Age: 26 Height: 5'6 Current Weight: 195.8 Challenge Goal Weight: 170 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 or less My Motivation: I want to be at a healthy weight and look and feel better. I lost weight and had a lifestyle change that I didn't adapt well to, so I want to get back into the swing of aiming for my goals. My…
I'm in. This is doable!
@RoseTheWarrior - well I don't see why not Put all your junk food money into jewelry!
@Jessyd76 - I'll tell you what my ex told me: at least you know it works because you can see the results they have doing it! Try to see it as where you'll be eventually rather than feeling bad that it's not where you are now.
@ILikeToMoveIt - omg FALLOUT SQUEE And I agree 1000%
@Azuriaz - totally get that. If you don't feel comfortable, all the compliments in the world aren't going to change that emotion for you. I want to get there too!
I see you said you graduated early. If you're in college, most of them have counseling and resources for students. From what you've said, it sounds like you've been struggling with depression and an eating disorder/body dysmorphia. It would be best if you could get yourself into counseling to help you deal with it.
I'm glad everyone seems to be on a clothes consensus here! Especially @ditsyblond17, hello $3 rack. @jaqcan - I've never really thought about my shadow before. But technically something is eclipsing the sun everytime there's a shadow! Lol! But I get your meaning. I can remember the last time I worked out for a few months…
Some words irritate me. I wouldn't say they make me angry, but I just don't like them/get sick of hearing them. Past examples: Bradgelina, cool beans.... there are more. :(
70 is my goal as well!
I'd love to join you. Feel free to add me/message me! I have ~70 lbs to drop. For me, just the fact of sticking to logging everyday is going to be a big deal!
25. Add me! You won't regret it. Or maybe you will, but not right away!
1. Replace soft drinks/calorie drinks with water 2. Go to class and focus on getting the most out of it I can 3. Mark X's in the boxes for my work challenge (30 minutes of exercise, staying in my calorie limit)
I have a tip from today... if you know you'll be at a restaurant, google healthy options. I found a neat little website that had "Things a Nutritionist Would Order from McDonald's" as an article and I was able to meet up with a friend and eat cheap at less than 500 calories. I feel like this is a small but good step! :)