jenm9499 Member


  • I haven't been on depo but just stopped using a progesterone only mini pill (depo is progesterone as well) and dropped almost 5 pounds in a week. Im guessing that was retained water as I was bloated the entire time I took the pill no matter how much water I drank. I also agree that it increases the appetite 10 fold along…
  • My 7 year old son told me my booty was the size of a rhino. It motivated me to get up and get on it but I also made him my "personal trainer" so he can see just how hard it is to lose weight and get healthy. (He's a string bean BTW...) I'm now down 20 pounds and he is my biggest fan. Cheers me on and pushes me to exercise.…
  • My rock bottom was when my husband commented that my chronic back pain that i constantly complained about was from more than just a soft mattress. :) I seriously wanted to punch him in the face, but you know what? He was right! Tough love and 20+ pounds down....back pain has almost disappeared entirely! 20 more lbs to go.
  • Thanks so much to all of you for the great advice. Over the last couple of days I've been resting, icing and taking ibuprofen and for the most part I'm able to function somewhat normally even though exercise has been out of the question. I decided to give swimming a go this morning for about 30 minutes and it seemed to be…