OhNoABee Member


  • My goal right now is to reach 150. Once I reach that goal, I'll reassess and see where I want to go. Ultimately, I'd like to look into recomping, but that could be a couple years down the road.
  • I'm actively reading The Martian and The Word Without Us. (I have about six others in my currently reading pile that I chip away at periodically.) Waiting on a digital copy of Seveneves from the library, since I didn't quite finish it the first time around.
  • Hello! My name is Ashley. I'm primarily a PC gamer. (Our consoles are older - such as Genesis - and are such a hassle to get to function.) I play too much World of Warcraft, love the Borderlands franchise, and only dabble in everything else I own. I've been getting into comics and graphic novels (preferring the latter)…
  • Hello! 100 day weight loss goal: 25 pounds (Just under 2 pounds a week. Trying to be more realistic than I have been in previous challenges.) My general goal is to focus on moving more. Specifically: Getting those 10,000 steps in every day. Completing all 30 days of Age of Pandora (a post-apocalyptic themed workout…
  • I am doing Age of Pandora daily, with 15 minutes elliptical 3x a week. I'm also aiming for a minimum of 10,000 steps daily.
  • September 22nd weigh-in: Height: 5'5" Weight: 275.4 BMI: 45.8
  • Woo! Can't wait to be able to say the same. Way to go, you. :smile:
  • As far as shared activities where snacking might be involved . . . I find ways to keep my hands busy. When we watch shows or movies together, I'm typically knitting or sewing or involved in some sort of project that doesn't mix well with casual munching. (Who wants chip powder on their yarn?) My boyfriend will also keep…
  • This! I generally don't have a problem packing up the rest of my own unfinished meals. But, for some reason, whenever my daughter leaves something on her plate it is like "Game on!" I've been trying to train myself to treat her unfinished meals the same as my own, by immediately putting it in the fridge for her later use.…