5'6 women

What is your goal weight?


  • KatsFitNow
    KatsFitNow Posts: 37 Member
    At least 150- but would not mind dipping below that!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    140. At 150 I'm pudgy.
  • ol96x
    ol96x Posts: 11 Member
    I'm at 151ish now too. I was thinking 130.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm trying to get down to 120. I hope to maintain around 125 but we'll see. Let's be real. ...I'd be happy with anything below 150.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    i'm 5'5" my goal is 135ish, then we shall see. I have been 155 in my adult life, but that was before kids..but even before kids..I remember feeling quite chubby.
  • lucyleigh4
    lucyleigh4 Posts: 33 Member
    My gw is 120. I am at 121 now.
  • advisingwench
    advisingwench Posts: 53 Member
    I more have a goal body fat %... I want to get down to 20 - 22% and then evaluate how I look and feel.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Goal weight was 125lbs. Sitting at 122lbs currently.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    I'm at 159 and actually pretty happy. There are still wobbly bits, and my original goal was closer to 150, but I'm taking a break for maintenance because it's taken me just over a year to get this far. I may pick up in the new year for a push to get rid of those last 10 pounds. I'm over the moon to have come from a size 18/20 down to an 8/10 and don't really need to go much further.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Maintaining around 117-118.
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 162 and want to be 149 which would give me a healthy bmi

    This is my progress pic at 166 pounds xe7v0jyigh4m.jpeg
  • livingsecret
    livingsecret Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 116lb at 5"7, I wouldn't want to be any lighter as I'm happy at this weight, but to be fitter is the goal!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    @mhaskin08 without wanting to sound creepy and weird, you look great!
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    Right now my goal is 150. I'll re-evaluate once I get there (at 166 now).
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    @mhaskin08 without wanting to sound creepy and weird, you look great!

    You don't sound creepy at all. Lol. And thank you! My bmi is a big concern for me considering my dad needed a knee replacement.

    It's interesting to hear everyone's goals for the same height! I was as low as 125 before but I lived a very active lifestyle and now I'm sedentary (sad face).
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    Maintaining between 110-113.
  • blkandwhite77
    blkandwhite77 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm 5'7 and anything below 150 and I have ribs and hip bones sticking out unattractively. But I'm bigger boned and I couldn't pull off the lower weight. Plus I think my hubby would cry if I lost that much lol
  • OhNoABee
    OhNoABee Posts: 31 Member
    My goal right now is to reach 150. Once I reach that goal, I'll reassess and see where I want to go. Ultimately, I'd like to look into recomping, but that could be a couple years down the road.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I don't have a firm number because I'm more interested in what I see in the mirror. That being said, my guess is that I will end up in the 137-142 range.