b0urb0 Member


  • ^^^ This. I do badly on cheat day. But of course to some it's what they need to keep going and that is fine. You gotta know yourself to know if it's for you or not. I will sometimes cheat, but planning a cheat day is calling for disaster for me. I cheat from time to time and it works best that way for me, and it often is…
  • My local gyms don't have pools, but rowing is a good idea. I may also move my running towards the weekend to have a more evenly distributed week.
  • I'm glad it works for you, it doesn't for me. Active rest is still rest. It's not about shame, it's about what i need i know myself and sitting on the couch ain't gonna do it for me because won't feel like starting again comes monday.
  • its 20k running/week yes I do strenght training, I want an active rest something light and easy but not being completely inactive. First of all I need to spend the calories. I obviously eat more during the week burning 1000 extra cals so come the weekend its kinda hard to go with 1000 less to eat... and if i go complete…
  • looking for some mutual motivation as well
  • I personally just dont care about other people I just go and do my things. It took me a while to get there but I realized that most people don't care about who's there either so chances are they won't care what you do. And some people are quite nice you'll see, they may offer a tip or 2. When I see someone doing something…
  • I have some binge eating episode sometimes, and posting it or telling someone about it is what hepls me. I post it BEFORE i actually do it and the "don't" or "hang in there" "fight it" "go for exercise it'll pass" I get from others are often the motivation i needed to overcome it. It may depends how serious it is, but for…
  • I belive friend is not the right word for it and it being too personal it scares some people off (myself included) but you you see it as "weight loss partner" or supporter. Having doing it by myself on a off for a long time I know i'm good to go for 2 weeks then i start skipping meals...days...weeks...then im off. Then I…