Ooh a different option, I never thought they could be used for cookies (also appreciate you put it in Fahrenheit and Celsius 👍)
I’m allergic to fish so unfortunately I won’t be able to try this 😭😭😭
I think I’ve had something very like this at a friends house, I’ll definitely give it a go
Hmmm sounds interesting, I do like cucumber and chickpeas, would you eat as a snack or lunch?
I love a good curry 👍😍
Sure 😊👍
Oh I had this before, it is delish if anyone has a good recipe please do share!
Hey! Yeah I’ve made my own hummus (I love hummus!!) but thanks for the link 😊 The roasted chickpeas sound good il give that a try 👍
I was looking for a diet plan so I could get more recipes without these foods more so, something I could use as a basis for meals throughout the weeks. Obviously I’m not going to eat those things but I wanted suggestions on places I could find recipes that are good for dieting. A weekly meal plan or something I could…
I actually adjust my fitness pal based on my height, I’ve been advised for my height that I only need around 1600cal a day to maintain and 12-1300cal to loose about 1 pound a week. I’m 5ft3, it might be worth looking into what’s the recommended cals for your height. Also look at your macros. If I’m dieting I adjust my…
Hey me too! I also can’t have any seafood or cows milk (whey protein allergy) I’m not great at logging all the time (weekends usually 👎) But feel free to add me, anyone else here feel free too
Kommodevaran- seafood is a no go for me, didn't adjust protein macro I just don't seem to get enough Mskessler89- thanks il have a peek at that and see what turns up I haven't thought of or these kind people might not have mentioned Gotchocolate- they sound yum! I got some raw food protein fibre bars yesterday pulsin but…
Thanks I did have a look but a lot of suggestions were with dairy so was hoping for a bit more help, already eat eggs, chicken regularly and peanut butter too but must try the turkey to change things up a bit