woodburya Member


  • @RoseTheWarrior Haha I've always said its like my treat. It really does help I do feel a lot better mentally and physically. Sugar is a huge problem for me (as I'm sure with most people) so it's a big accomplishment. I'm trying to celebrate the little victories
  • @queenliz99 Thank you!
  • @RoseTheWarrior My thoughts exactly! The extra calories were no good. It was like dessert for me. Not saying I'll never drink it again - it'll be a great treat every once in a while. I applaud you girl I can't drink it black. It's still a battle cause I sweeten my tea as well. I succeeded in weaning down my sugar from 3…
  • I always have to have my coffee with cream and sugar so it makes it not as healthy. I didn't want to give up caffeine completely just cut back. Will always love caffeine so it's more about cutting the sugar for me. I found that most herbal teas taste great without adding anything.