me too trying to lose 40-50kg by 2017.... bikini next xmas! only lose 2kg so far but its a start!
thank you everyone for you posts, its alot to think about especially from not really caring what I ate to logging everything everyday. Im trying not to go hungry because I know I will snack inappropriately if given the chance I think Id probably go mental if I didn't eat some excercies callories back :P
thankyou :)
Thank you everyone, Im not trying to eat under 400cals between that and 500cals each meal i'd be happy with. Im trying to get a base meal plan set up so that I can have snacks during the day, I used to either not eat at all then eat a huge meal or eat little bits of bad food all day. trying to find a happy medium and…
im 5'7 but need to lose 50kg or so... feel free to add me :smile:
my day one started three days ago for the probably 4-5 time, this time I have a set goal, not just weight loss but something to look forward to, something i didn't have in the past, true motivation. looking back now at all my other "first" days felt hollow, I'm serious about losing weight now and this time will be…