vczK2t Member


  • weakness=wine. I love wine. I know that I have to limit it for health reasons, not just weight. I love cheese, but i can control that. I am not into TV like I was a year ago. exercise=just don't want to, but i have to.
  • Right now, I am working on limiting my beer and/or wine to either 1 12oz/pint beer or 1 6oz glass of wine each night. However, I may be changing that to only allowing myself to drink the above ONCE i have exercised that day for 30+ minutes.
  • what about protein and carb sources?
  • One thing i figured out for myself is to listen to body hunger signals. If i start shaking and feeling light headed, then i am physically hungry. If i see an advertisement and want to eat, then it's a craving. that works for me, most of the time.
  • i got my mother's mother's front and back end (BIG chest compared to my mom and sister, flat butt compared to them). BUT...........i love my Nana so i am honored to look like her.
  • i would LOVE to be your mentor. I am shorter than you, but I am very encouraging and will tell you my struggles if they help you.
  • I am older than you, but I am also in the "am i still hungry" boat. I am more than happy to tell you what I am doing. and even though i am nice about it, i would tell you if i think what you are doing isn't the best idea.
  • I'm happy to help you. I don't have children or the restrictions, but I am encouraging and will tell you what I am learning about myself.
  • i would LOVE to me the mentor. I haven't lost any weight, but I am learning about myself and what I need to do to be healthy. In my mind, it's a mental thing. If I can't accept myself for me and let go of the impossible images of healthy in my head, then I have no hope of losing weight. I will let you know what i have…
  • fresh fruit? FORGET IT! i'll keep my weight then. not gonna do without natural foods/drinks that contain natural sugar. added sugar is a different story.
  • you are welcome to add me, even though i am much older than you. I am a very encouraging and supportive person.
    in Newbie!!! Comment by vczK2t July 2016
  • i eat SOMETHING for breakfast every morning. some mornings it's not much, but i eat something.
  • sticking with one day at a time, listening to my body's signals everyday.
  • depending on YOUR definition of "diet", you can do very well. Many people I know say "diet" is simply what you eat, not a particular plan. What ONE small change can you make daily starting today that will get you to your reasonable goal? For me, no food or drink is off limits. I pay attention to my body and what it's…
  • Hello everyone, I'm Jessica. I have been on MFP for 3+ years. I am trying the Slimming World USA plan, but mostly CICO. There are no foods i will totally deny myself. I am working on listening to my body signals and doing what will help me feel the best. I don't have any human kids, i am married. My dog, Ziggy, is my…
    in Hi Comment by vczK2t July 2016
  • i had my complete thyroid removed over 10 years ago, due to cancer. I am on synthroid. i had problems losing weight before it was removed. it's no better now, even though my levels are good and maintaining. being hungry and tired, for me, have NOTHING to do with my thyroid and everything to do with my exercising (which i…
  • a bad day for me is when i drink more than 1 glass of wine or 1 beer a night. regarding the all you can eat meat, in Cincinnati OH is a place called Boi Na Braza. never been, but apparently they bring the meat to your table. you use a paddle, one side red the other side green, to indicate if you want more meat or not that…
  • i didn't get fast food very often growing up, so i have been making up for it since i moved out of their house. If i was a parent, i would let my child have fast food but help him/her make the healthiest choices possible.
  • how bout just making one small change each day until it becomes habit, then work on the next small change?
  • you are a WONDERFUL sister to care so much about your brother. I don't need to repeat what others have said regarding his parents should be taking care of what he eats. i say just model healthy behaviors.
  • So vismal, "To correctly implement calorie counting you must log everything you consume in a day that contains calories. This includes liquids and/or supplements that contain calories". what about supplements/medication that doesn't have calories. do you think it's important to track those to see if they may have an effect…
  • there IS such a thing as "big boned" and/or "big framed". are you a medical doctor proficient in EVERY living human being on this earth????????? no, i don't think so. therefore, if MY doctor that knows ME says i am "big boned", then he/she is correct. not you
  • IMHO, lightly active is not correct for you. even if you don't do anything on your off days (which don't seem to be many), you are still VERY active on the days you work. i would up the activity level.
  • OP, i hear what you are saying and when i look at those pictures, i just feel sorry for them. If that is the ONLY way that a person can feel self-worth, then they have worse problems me.
    in InstaHell Comment by vczK2t June 2016
  • mine is open to my friends on MFP. but not to the public.
    in Open Diary Comment by vczK2t June 2016
  • no caffeine pills for me. it's coffee w/espresso shots or nothing. that being said, i won't drink coffee and/or espresso shots in the afternoon/evening because then i won't go to sleep that night.
  • NOT A DANG THING. LMAO. if I can't have it in moderation at some point in my life, then I just won't worry about losing weight. That being said, there are things I don't crave very often. diet soda being one of them. I have never had liver and onions and don't plan on eating it. There are other things, but too many to…