maryade Member


  • I tend to do 2 meals: a low cal soup (under 100 cals) for lunch and the rest in the evening when I'm usually the hungriest. During the day I'll have a few mugs of tea and coffee with water or squash to keep me sane. I don't normally snack on s fast day during the day, but was feeling hungry yesterday so I had half an apple…
  • For bad days, like with little sleep or I'm feeling unwell, I may not do a full fast, but keep to about 800-1200cals. This still creates a bit of a deficit, but stops me from feeling miserable or sabotaging myself.
  • I do sometimes, but my partner likes them. I tend to get the chocolate ones as they have the most fibre (not by much but it adds up). Those yogurt ones are nice though: I had one yesterday. Refrigerator porridge might be something to try, as it has quite a different texture to normal. Put some porridge oats (about 30g) in…
    in Belvita Comment by maryade October 2015