That is AWESOME! Congratulations! I keep doing well for a few months, then dropping off... then having to RE-start over and over, and it's been going on a few years! I think my "all or nothing cause gotta lose this much, by this date" approach is obviously not working- so I'm trying to look at it in a new way and so I love…
And a big THANK YOU for the advice offered thus far- it is very appreciated! I'm trying to change my relationship with food, and get out of the habit of using it as an emotional crutch. Stress hits= heck with it just eat.... Obviously only one it hurts is myself (and my daughter since I'm always too tired to do active…
Yeah- I knew I was eating more than 1500 a day when averaged out per week due to that 1 off day a week.... so I may find that by upping it to 1800-2000 a day (and nixing the off day) that I'm at fairly similar levels, but maybe easier to stick to. And I plan to starting adding moderate exercise by brisk walking 30 min a…
Yeah- I use the MFP to calculate calories, and it says 1510. Problem is, I don't really find that for me the MFP calculator is all that accurate. In the past when I've been "on plan" and sticking to 1400-1500, I would count 6 days a week and take 1 day off, and I would usually lose more than the 2 pounds per week. I know…
I'm with the "get under 200 #" folks... been over 200 since my daughter was in kindergarten/1st grade. Promised myself all throughout her childhood I would lose this weight, and here we are and she's a senior and I'm still taking 1 step forward/2 steps back each year. Enough is enough, I've got to do this now or I feel…