Rammer123 Member


  • The macros will equal the calories.... If you are hitting your calories but missing your macros its not because the macro's are unattainable its because you chose a different macro nutrient over another.... unless I am misunderstanding you.
  • How do you feel at the current weight? Try and put aside how you feel about the numbers and decide how you feel about yourself. I have seen many times people in your situation going down a really bad rabbit hole trying to reach an unattainable number and getting stuck in this back and forth trying to get down to a weight…
  • Are you saying like when you weigh it out its missing 1.5 servings? Or when you open it it looks like its missing. I've noticed sometimes certain flavors that harden up more seem to sometimes be lower. For me I notice the Peanut Butter Cup (my favorite) are sometimes a little more empty than usual. It usually seems more…
  • He weighed 124 kilos at 5'10".... I think there were bigger issues than an additional 100 calorie deficit while being borderline morbidly obese... sounds like he's doing great and making good progress. 1,500 is based off what? Cause myfitnesspal sets that as a default? Should this be the case for a 5'6" male and also a…
  • In Northern VA about 10 miles outside of DC, at Lifetime Fitness (higher end gym) we charged $91-$121 an hour. That was a few years ago. Really a lot depends on the type of gym, trainer experience, and the location geographically.
  • Who would burn more calories. I am saying that if you are less fit, you will breathe harder (more oxygen consumption), which in turn results in more calories burned. ETA: again i don't think this is being argued..... I believe this is mutually agreed on. I believe the piece in question is how much
  • I would disagree because who is more fit would affect who would need more oxygen to provide the same force. That is fact... I don't think the disagreement is that there is a difference. I think it is more about the amount of difference.....
  • I should have made it more clear that I would not expect, advise, encourage or praise someone for tracking in less than daily intervals.
  • Oh nice. I really had no idea about any details on studies on that, I was just thinking that there couldn't be an exactttttttt comparison. Could definitely see a greatly smaller variance in a bike compared to running. Sounds like we are on the same page My idea is that if someone who is very conditioned on a bike (you)…
  • 100% agree. It's the best way to quickly get a general idea of where you stand. It may also be argued that it may also be accurate for having additional unnecessary muscle mass because that in itself may cause undue stress on the body.
  • That would be assuming that your body is equally as efficient at producing the 200 watts of force needed..... If your heart rate increases over the second hour, it would take more energy to beat and push blood through to the muscles..... You are still providing the same force to the bike, but the energy requirement…
  • TEAM 30.1!
  • lol i guess everyone likes BMI. Fair
  • I dont think its stupid to ask those things. You are learning and you've probably overheard things about "starvation mode" or different things taken out of context and you, unknowingly wrong, trusted the information. Sometimes people on here can be condescending but for the most part you'll get good info without the egos.
  • The numbers themselves can vary greatly. They can be very good tracking tools if you use them properly. And by properly I mean consistently tracking your progress and taking an average over time and comparing the average. Getting two points of data randomly like that, probably does not have any true value or validity. To…
  • Assuming their maintenance calories was 2,000 calories. In the real world, they would likely put on some fat during the overeating period. Just making up numbers to make sense of it. Lets say they went for 2 months (60 days) at a 1000 calorie surplus. That would in a perfectly efficient world add just over 17 pounds of…
  • Are you doing a competition? Is that why you're planning on gettting down to 13%? A true 13% bf for a female is going to be very uncomfortable
  • so much hate for something that you've not been able to achieve yet.... I would have to disagree with your statements. My fiancee has a real figure (as you've described it) and has a very flat stomach.
    in Tummy fat Comment by Rammer123 July 2019
  • I'd be careful with BMI..... IMO its just really bad, probably jaded view because it's never had me in the normal range except for once where I got to a very low unhealthy body fat level. Currently my BMI would say that I am at the exact same BMI as you at 30.1... I'm probably in the 14%-16% bf.... It may work for some or…
  • To be fair his initial comment that caused the conversation was geared toward avoiding excessive exercise solely to lose weight. I knit picked a line and created a disagreement about it.
  • I agree. (except for the "up to a certain point" lol) I will never get up and sprint and not burn any calories. I can always burn more calories, by moving more. I just had to give one last quote. That would be my ego. But yes, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement about someone not doing crazy amounts of exercise to…
  • You're trying to create an argument over something we were never talking about... My issue was with you saying that more exercise does not burn more calories. I disagree
  • Not sure where you're going with your question, cause all you've done the last couple posts is ask questions and not responeded. I get what you're saying and what that model is saying that your body attempts to keep homeostasis and you could be burning the same amount of calories when you're marathon training as you were…
  • From food