MamaTashy Member


  • I still have my thyroid but I have Hypothyroidism. My levels will be in check for a while and then I have crazy symptoms and need my medication adjusted. I am monitored yearly to check the growth of goiters in my thyroid but so far they are benign and the size is slow growing. I started May 2nd with Weight watchers and to…
  • Great Job! I too am almost at my 100Lb mark. Sending you a friend request. I have been solo on mfp but today's the day I decide to branch out and add friends.
  • I am 5'7" SW 351lbs size 26 (at the big plus size stores :blush: ) CW 254lbs size 16-18 depending on branding. GW 155lbs no idea what size I will be. Lowest adult weight was 178lbs in 2004 and I was a size 12. I have at least another year on this journey. But almost 100lbs down so feeling much better physically and…