1. Be Willing to Forgive Yourself Self-forgiveness starts with a willingness to release guilt, shame and self-hatred. Open the space for this healing energy to enter your mind and body by setting the intention to do so. Simply say to yourself right now: “I want to forgive myself.” Additionally, write these words down on…
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Thanks..I'll do it tomorrow..a lil typsy :p
I'm new to this community..I think it's stuck here.
Do you know how it can be done?
Every day I will add either an affirmation or a motivational saying, pertaining to health and/or weight-loss. This is one of my favourites. Please feel free to add one of yours. . "Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!"
8 lbs isn't too much..if you want to lose it and lose fast try a water based diet. Whatever the case may be, stay focused and you'll get there. It is possible. Add me as a friend. B)
I can use a friend B)
Killeen..add me