focusandgo Member


  • Thanks so much I did a bit of research on "strong curves" and people seem to love it! I need that sort of structure - thank you for the suggestion!
  • Hi Yasmin! I've had really good success with a ~1200 cal/day diet. If you are not currently overweight and are of shorter stature that might explain why you aren't losing weight - if this is the case, keep up a healthy diet and add more exercise! On a typical day I start my morning with black coffee and a banana. For lunch…
  • So I thought I would update everyone - I've lost 8.5 pounds since the beginning of October despite only losing .7 lbs in the first week. I believe a lot of it was hormonal (with PMS I always tend to retain water) so there is hope for anyone else who experienced frustration after the 1st week!
  • Is 1200 calories too low for someone who is very sedentary? I literally sit during classes all morning and then I go home to sit and study. I feel full and energetic with what I've been eating so far (lots of fruits and veg and proteins from sources like chicken and fish)