I found some great blogs from pinterest that were really interesting and that's when I decided to give it a go. It's hard for me, at first, training my body. It's been a process but it's not as hard as I thought. I found a blog called 'food can wait' on pinterest and is also apparently on Facebook and twitter. I eat from…
That's a really good idea. I keep forgetting I have a slow cooker that I used to love to use. I used to pop in a whole chicken with some seasoning and let it go for 8 hours and was perfect for shredding and using in everything. I've been looking at bento meal trays to fill as well to get some variety in
I can totally relate. I'm just under a week in and I'm feeling fantastic. My body has responded better than I thought it would. My day begins at 5-6am where I have water. Usually somewhere between 8-10am I have a small cappuccino with no added sugar and full cream milk totalling 116 calories and that gets me through to…
Thanks guys! Everyone is so full of great information here. I'm new to the whole community thing.
Fat loss, that's my current priority. After I get my weight back down I'll be focusing on improving core strength.
That's fantastic!!! I've only been at it a week and am still new to it. Can I ask, what would your daily schedule be? Eg- when do you start and stop eating and what do you eat on a normal day? What exercise if any works for you?
Truly I have no idea about the not eating before bed. I stop eating at around 7pm purely because I want to and would usually sleep around 10-11pm, beginning my day around 530-6am. So far it's working well for me. At midday I eat which usually consists of some lean protein and some extra veg from the night before. I noticed…