psoasi Member


  • If you read her post, she wants to lose inches in her waist. She also knows that she is using a size 14L (36inches) and she wants to use a size 12 (30 inches). So that's her goal. No matter how many pounds she will lose, she wants to reduce her waist, so her "measuring tape" will be her 14L pants at the waist. Of course…
  • She doesn't need to measure herself. She knows which size of waist she uses in her jeans, so, she can take this size as starting point and as she progress in the workout/diet, she will see if she is needs a smaller size or if she is using the same. :)
  • I used to take C4 Pre-workout, and reading in the label it said in small letter that they do not recommend to use it for more than 2 consecutive months. I suppose that caffeine would be a good substitute.
  • I forgot to share this too!!! Same source (Australian Institute of Sport). It's about "the latest information on what to eat before during and after exercise"
  • I totally agree with @sixxpoint You should take between 1 and 1.5g of carbohydrates per kilogram after your workout (70g - 105g). You can eat whatever you want, you don't need expend money in supplements if you fulfill your needs with a regular diet. Here you have a website were they divide the supplements in 4 groups…
  • You will be amazed how your calories can change from one day to another. I'm constant with my workouts and sometimes there is a difference of more than 100 calories. Of course you can make an estimation, but if you have the chance, I think that tracking them will give you better results and of course, a motivation to push…
  • BTW, when you do your measurements, be sure make them when you wake up (after going to the toilet) and also take on count your period. (being next or during the period makes your body to retain some water and be bloated)
  • You never know exactly how your body is going to respond. Is not a 100% yes or 100% no. If you feel comfortable eating less calories and doing exercise, why do not try it? if you do not drop those 6 inches, maybe you loose 4, or 5, or maybe 1. But at least you tried it, and you were doing exercise and following a healthy…
  • I am using endomondo to log and track all my workouts. I use also a bluetooth heart rate monitor with it. You can log your exercise in endomondo and, if you have paired this app with My Fitness Pal, it will automatically put your calories in MFP exercises. I don't know if is this what are you looking for. In MFP it will…
  • Endomondo without any doubt. I use it with every workout and in addition I wear my heart rate monitor (that pairs with endomondo). I was using fitbit and endomondo at the same time but I started to hate Fitbit. So now I only use endomondo. Give it a shoot. And of…
  • Hi Laura, It's difficult to tell you a exact number of calories that you can burn during Autumn's workouts. You can try to find some examples of people who did it and shared it on internet. (I tried to find that info for you but I didn't succeed. The best way to know a nice approximation of your calories is to buy a heart…
  • Are you eating enough potassium? Is it a continuous pain or is it like a sudden contraction?
    in Calf pain Comment by psoasi October 2015
  • I love the use of the demagogy. Let's be clear. You are right, I have 3 comments (4 with this), I have one friend and yes, she is my wife. But, I also still have a BSN in Nursing, 7 years + of experience in the medical field and extensive knowledge in health subjects. I am sorry if that is not enough for you to take on…
  • Just a website where you can find some info* In children, one sweetened beverage a day fuels a 60 percent increase in the risk of obesity—and American teenaged boys drink almost three times that much * In 2004, the Nurses’ Health Study found that women who had one…
  • And BTW, refined sugars are awful. Other kind of carbohydrates (pasta, bread, fruit, dairy...) if the have not been processed before, they are the best option to fulfill the daily dose of carbohydrates. And believing that refined sugars are fine, that is the wrong approach to any weight loss diet.
  • Pooky asked about other alternatives too, so astateoflinzi gave her one. She didn't criticize anyone. Six years here and 190 post, but you have no idea what are you talking about. "Unless OP has issues with insulin, she doesn't have to be overly cautious about her sugar intake; sugar isn't evil" " I can also safely say…