stachesquatch Member


  • I always worry that I'll have trouble when I travel abroad, but I've found that there is familiar food everywhere I go. Especially if you're at a cafeteria. Almost every culture will offer a protein in the form of chicken, fish, beef, pork, in a grilled, boiled, baked form. Every culture will offer a starch like a rice,…
  • First don't stress out about it. It happened. You survived. You can move on from here. Today can still go just fine starting with your next meal! Second, check your calories for the day. How are you set for calories? Can you make the rest of today fit into your goals? You can mitigate the damage from a bad lunch by not…
  • Y'all feel free to add me too. I log daily, let my fit bit track my exercise but I put the food and weight in every day!
  • I've had a lot of first dates where the girl picked the most expensive thing on the menu, poked at the salad and pretty much left everything behind and untouched. I get that girls get self conscious eating on a date, but I end up thinking I could have given that to someone who would have appreciated it at least. Just don't…
  • Auuugh! yeah... This quote from them frustrates me to no end! Everything thing that I am is the result of the choices I've made in life. Everything! There was a time in my life were I had absolutely nothing. I remember the night where I lost my first car. It was upside down in a ditch and I was standing by the side of the…
  • Every day, right before my shower. But I am an engineer and require excessive amounts of data. If anyone is considerng weighing daily just remember not to panic if you gain weight from one day to the next. I'm up and down all the time. As long as I'm lower this Sunday than last Sunday it's l good. This is a 3-month daily…
  • I have a similar issue every Sunday when I go to visit my Mom. She loves to experiment in the kitchen and is always on some diet. It was Ornish, then Atkins for a while, then Bernstein, now I think it is keto. I never seem to know what to expect in terms of ingredients. I tried to track it all for a while then spent a…
  • One shouldn't feel silly politely asking for something to be boxed at a 5 star. We pay more at a 5 star for the service as much as the food. They are usually very helpful and very discrete about such things. Typically one does not box ones own food at a really fancy restaurant, but rather, asks for the leftovers to be…
  • West side here! High five fellow Houstonians!
  • I'd ask the physical therapist about the exercise before the interwebs. My nerve damage was thanks to a misdiagnosis followed up with the wrong exercises and treatment. If I had started with the right treatment, prescribed by a good physical therapist, a minor muscle injury wouldn't have turned into a lifelong injury. I…
  • What they said ^ I tore up a muscle in my rear end couple years ago. The muscle ended up damaging the sciatic nerve. Exercise and weight loss seemed pretty much hopeless, but I was referred by my dr to a physical therapist who gave me exercises appropriate to my injury. It took a year before I could seriously exercise…
  • I eat out for most meals. I have mostly eaten out since graduating and going to work behind a desk for entirely too many hours a day. My schedule only allows for a couple dinners at home a week and it has been that way for years. Almost never get home before ten at night and I have to be out the door by 7 am the next…
  • Ok, thank you, I find this reassuring. I guess I've got another 40lb or so to lose before I get down into the "overweight" range. Some of this is stuff I've never really had an issue with even at 400lb. My cholesterol has always been very low, to the point where the dr expressed concern, LDL being in the 40s and HDL in the…
  • I'm not sure if what I'm about to say will make much sense, but is there a way to focus on turning that excess weight into muscle instead? Like maintain the current weight, but do strength training type stuff? I guess that would be changing body composition? Not that I really know your situation... But I am trying to…
  • I think people are hard-wired to comment. Maybe it is a survival thing, like a small part of the brain forces people to ask questions or comment on things just so that we can collect even a small bit of knowledge and maybe apply it to life. Some of us do it with less tact than others, but I'm sure it comes from a good…
  • Why is being average weight sunk? I mean the way I look at it, I still have the whole future to keep going at it till I either get there or get fried by lightening. It definitely isn't a fast process (my average has been 0.73lb per week) but it doesn't end till we choose to quit. Also what really is average? I'm not really…
  • I don't exactly exercise. I do dance a lot. I can have anywhere from 4-7hrs of dance class per week, depending on whether the studio needs an assistant. Plus a couple hours of dancing outside that to keep my skills up. But it's irregular. I also do a fair bit of sailing and volunteer work, so that's a workout, but only 2-3…