caracpowers Member


  • I had a lot of the same imbalances. It took over a year to get my gluteus firing instead of my hamstrings. I’m still working on the left side almost three years later. I’ve been working on my shoulders for six months. They aren’t fixed yet, but I am lifting overhead without pain. Be patient. It took years to develop these…
  • I thought they were nasty.
  • Go see a physical therapist. They will diagnose any imbalances you have and give you a program for it. Because you have pain, insurance will pay. My physical therapy sessions for my back pain are like personal training sessions.
  • Walking while fat will build big calves. I started walking and hiking to lose sixty pounds. My calves are bigger now than they were in high school when I was doing ballet and doing straight leg and bent leg calf raises twice a week. Get a weighted walking best, add forty pounds or so and climb hills a couple times a week.…
  • I have the same problem. My solution is Wrightsocks. They are a double layer sock made for running and athletics. They are crazy expensive but they totally prevent blisters. You can get them at REI or some specialty running stores. Just wearing two pairs of socks can work too, but you have to fiddle around to find a good…