robbyf1971 Member


  • Thanks! I just checked it out. Very helpful.
  • I just found this group after my post on getting started. I was drinking 6-15 vodka & diet soda drinks daily after going thru divorce. My goals are: No drinking unless it's margarita date night with my girlfriend. After I lose 15 lbs (goal is about 30) I will afford myself 1 drink per week. I have other non-drinking…
  • I have exercised in the morning for last 5 years but in varying degrees of focus. My issue was mostly boredom and getting in bad habit of having drinks as part of my nightly routine. I work long hours so when I get home I just want to relax. I did just get a cat which hopefully will help with boredom.
  • Thanks - I have been working out 3-5 times per week since 2014 with different phases of focus. I would say the last 6 months have not been focused. I remember how good it felt after I lost 60 lbs in 2014. My work clothes fit well and I would feel great going to work in the morning. The last 6 months I have been wearing…
  • Yes for the most part I am keeping the weight the same. I guess b/c that is how SL works. So I should increase weight & less reps per set
  • So how would 5-3-1 work? The app I use says my 1 rep max is 187.
  • Your physique has changed under PHUL? I guess I am noticing a little change especially with my arms which were not worked directly under SL. I haven't been wiped out from PHUL but maybe I need to push myself more.
  • My bench has always been weak (I blame it on being tall and gangly) but under SL I could complete 165lbs 5X5 and was progressing on 170 a few different times over the past year plus. Illness and vacations knocked me down to lower weights a few times. I struggled with 160 3X5 on Monday. I am willing to try anything to help…
  • Although I am trying lose about 15 lbs just thru some dietary improvements I am not in a significant calorie deficit. In fact I added some additional protein pre workout since beginning PHUL.
  • I had issues with running with a nagging calf injury. I switch to elliptical and then to the Arc Trainer. Both are much easier on joints and the program I do on the Arc trainer really is a tough workout.
  • For me I love my gym membershipS (humble brag). I have a YMCA 8 minutes from my home. I also spend 2-3 days a week away from home and there's a Lifetime fitness a 4-iron away from that office. If they weren't so close, it would be tougher. Lots of equipment, tons of weights, barbells, safety/power cage, cardio options,…
  • You certainly don't have to follow the program, but the Stronglifts 5X5 website has a lot of good basic information on strength training, free weights vs machines, compound lifts vs isolation, etc. Good info for a beginner.
  • I prefer morning workouts. Sometimes I struggle with evening workouts because of a heavy lunch or an extra diet coke or two in the afternoon.
  • I would recommend a gym, make that investment in yourself. Hopefully you can find one that has no long term commitment. There usually plenty of equipment, weights, etc that you can vary and change up your routine over time to keep you interested and body challenged. Plus it's a good place to pick up ideas.
  • One other comment, is there a gym, YMCA near you? I would recommend making that investment in yourself assuming it is a place you feel comfortable at. Find a beginner's strength training program like Strong lifts 5X5 or there's plenty of others. I tried my own mish mash program but I would find a time tested program to…
  • squats, prisoner squats, push ups, dips using a chair. Go on a walk, load some weight into a backpack or whatever and increase the weight over time.
  • sit or stand with your palms facing forward which will help with posture and engage your back muscles (rhomboids?). Typically palms facing backward gives you a slouched look.
  • I just set up PHUL on the basic Jefit app. Havent used it yet for a routine but it looks good so far. Lots of other routines to choose from as well.
  • Start slow & easy depending on current shape and increase time & resistance/level each time. Work toward a goal.
  • Maybe that's what I need to do. I guess I should not use the plate calc and give my brain a little math exercise. Thanks all for the suggestions. I will check them out. Do you use the JeFit workout or JeFit PRO? Differences?
  • Ok sounds good. It was just terribly awkward doing the front squat but maybe I need to get used to it. The PHUL has leg extension & lung for the quad so I think I am hitting it pretty good.
  • Psulemon & erickirb: Sounds good. thanks for the advice. Now I just need to lay off the sugars including alcohol. What would be a good loss goal per week?
  • So just tighten up my diet, eat at deficit, continue cardio and PHUL and I should be good to go? Once I get down to 195ish then focus on adding more protein? I have been doing a GNC Total Lean 25 shake plus fruit plus extra 20 grams whey protein after workouts. Wonder if I even need that extra 20 grams whey protein added.
  • "As long as you are in a deficit you will not gain appreciable muscle, just maintain most of what you already have. No matter what program you do, you will need a caloric surplus to gain muscle, including chest." I was looking to make some improvements to my diet, reducing calories, more protein vs empty cals to lose about…
  • The program has power days and hypertrophy days.
  • I was in your boat 2 years ago. Tired of feeling fat, clothes not fitting, not feeling good about myself. I decided to make a change, a switch went on after many other failed attempts. Things I would recommend: > put yourself first, make time for yourself. Depending on finances, invest in yourself - gym, new workout…
  • I looked thru the recommendations and I like the PHUL program. Anyone do this and can tell me how long each day should take? Seems like a lot and I would like to get 30 minutes of cardio in.
  • Thanks for the links. Any of those you prefer? TBH I am not big a dumbbells so not sure if any of those are dumbbell centric. But maybe I need to get used to them.
  • Good to hear. My SL with some accessories + cardio was taking close to 2 hours. Something short would be good. Do any these programs have an app or how do you track your progress? I have trouble sometimes remembering what weight I am at.
  • Ok thanks everyone. I will research some of the programs you'll recommended. I still consider myself a novice so some of the lingo thrown out is not familiar.