hptravelgal Member


  • Krithsai, thank you for taking the time to send some encouraging words... I did have a pound a week set before, and even THAT wasn't happening.... I'm trying to get my focus back and stay on track... (Not so easy)... I need to find my motivation and stick to it.... (Keep myself from "getting down" so often). Battling…
  • Thanks... This is sooo frustrating
  • Thank everyone for your input. I don't weight any food I prepare, however, if I make a salad, I can measure what's being added and log from that.. Stress is inevitable; I help care for my sick parents (MS/stroke-mom & my dad has cancer of the bone marrow) there is no way to avoid that stress.... I have entered a realistic…
  • I do what juggernaut1974 does... I make my own salads from time to time and salad bars, too... I know what I like on my salads, ( creature of habit ) so I created my own entry that "makes" my salad... It's time consuming at first, but once it's done, it's as easy as one touch!! Good luck
  • That's so much!! I'm in California!!
  • If you only ate half, change the portion amount/serving amount when you add it to your daily...(that's what I do...