ath322 Member


  • I'm fairly new also. 5'4 SW: 148...hoping to lose 20-25 lb. Sending a request. Anyone feel free to add :)
  • I'd love to get some other ideas as well. Feel free to friend me :)
  • Just recently bought a container of pb2 & I really like it for a low cal option. Only add in a little water...the thicker you leave it, the closer the consistency to actual pb. I spread it on some 40 cal multi grain bread & add a tablespoon of sugar free jam. It's a good pb&j substitute for less than half the calories. I…
  • Going through the same...luckily I have exercise cals to eat if I need lol. For when I'm craving something sweet that a piece of fruit can't satisfy, i eat a 100 cal Greek yogurt or 90 cal fiber one brownie. 100 cal pop secret popcorn bags are good to have on hand. Also sipping on hot tea helps. Gl...we can fight these…
  • Congrats to you! You look great! :)
  • 5'4. Been on a health kick off and on the past few months. just started again and 5 days in counting cals & doing cardio 4x wk. SW: 148. Hoping to update in a month. good luck to all...we CAN do this! Feel free to add :)