I am impressed that your dedication to your diet would bring you to ask this question. You are hardcore. I would not bring the scale with me, not that I think someone would find it rude, but it would be awkward. Trust your eyeballs for portion control in this situation and enjoy your evening without the weights and…
I am shooting for 100+ pound weight loss. Good luck. I hope to see your good news in my feed,
go to find members and type in the username. Might be an easier way, but I haven't found it yet.
I have used this app sporadically for a few years... before it was an Under Armour app (that surprised me when I revisited a week or so ago). Just remember you aren't alone. Let's do this!
Been there. I have used this app off and on for a few years (more off than on), but for me, it's time to buckle down and act/eat/live responsibly. Best of luck to you on your weight loss!
AnvilHead has a great weight loss plan, if you grab your wallet and run in the other direction every time a weight loss scam falls in your lap, you will be dropping weight like a champ in no time. Your checkbook will thank you also. The weight didn't get packed on in the blink of an eye and it won't come off that quickly…
I need to re-visit my local Aldi. Just getting back to a healthy diet and need to check out yogurt, etc. Thank you all for spiking my interest in saving money on my healthy food choices.