Athrinn Member


  • I replace food with something else that occupies my hands (watching a movie doesn't seem to work). For me that's usually drawing, practicing guitar, or playing a video game that doesn't involve much waiting around. If you don't have any hobbies like this maybe try to work on one! It gets addictive as you notice small…
  • Losing 50lbs is impressive. If you were able to do that, you can do this! Think about why you want to lose it and how much you'll thank yourself in the future for getting back on track today, even if you started slacking a bit.
  • Travelling is so much fun I'm just counting calories too. I'd like to eat healthier but I'm taking it one step at a time by eating the same things, just in much lower quantities. I could use motivation buddies too so I'll add you!
  • That sounds good to me! I'll add you