Nicole3043 Member


  • Try doing some body weight exercises. No equipment needed! :smile:
  • Here are 15 protein rich food choices with some recipes to go along with them. :)
  • I did this program last year and loved it. Shaun is a great motivator and I was able to loose inches. I started of with the modifier ( Tonya), and after a few weeks, was keeping up OK. The variety was perfect for me and I did not get bored.
  • Start of with cutting out processed foods and sugars. You will never be able to see those abs thru fat. You also need to workout consistently too.It won't happen over night, but if you stick with it, you will see a difference. Here are some workouts that you can do at home that need almost no equipment at all. One is a…
  • First of all, congrats on your progress. Keep going!! :) Try some of these home workouts. Or you can also try T-25. I love this program and got great results from Shaun! These are body weight exercises, so you don't need any expensive equipment at home.…
  • Foam roller for sure. If you combine this with a few different types of foods that aid on muscle recovery, you should be in good shape.
  • Here are few tips to help increase your endurance. Best of luck to you!
  • I am right there with you! It is especially hard that halloween just passed. I have a bowl of over million grams of sugar looking at me every day now. :( :'( Try these suggestions.
  • Squats can do more harm than good if your form isn't correct for sure. The #1 mistake that most people make while squatting is allowing their knees to go way over their toes upon execution. Watch this and see if you can get some good results. :smile:…
  • Use a foam roller and increase your protein intake after your workout. This will work wonders for you! Here are some ideas on using a foam roller after your workout too. :)
  • Here are some tips to build your endurance and boost your cadence. You definitely can do this by May. Best of luck to you!!
  • Here are over 14 different healthy choices for you :)
  • Here is a healthy version of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte that you can make at home that has no refined sugar.
  • Here are some body weight exercises that you can do at home, and some info on plantar fasciitis. (I have it too and it sucks!)
  • I don't think you are eating enough, especially protein. This probably sounds crazy but, you have to eat enough calories to loose weight. Start off you day by having a protein rich breakfast and don't deny yourself snacks. You need to fuel your body throughout the day. Here is a protein rich recipe for breakfast and foods…