rogers48 Member


  • My motivation today is I want to prove to myself that I can go with out munching on food in the evening. I do great all day and then spoil everything by munching out in the evening. I have got to stop that, so my goal is that I am not going to eat anything after 5 PM for the next week. Hopefully this will help curve my…
  • My motivation for today is I finally lost a pound this past week so I want to keep my weight going down! I am no longer stuck on the same weight that I have been for several weeks! YEA
  • Today my motivation is Jealousy. My Sister is a size 7 and I am a size 16! She looks so good and I look like a cow. I want to get down to a size 10 by next Thanksgiving so that I will not be jealous of my sister's size.
  • My motivation today was to get back on tract which I have done. Tomorrow is weigh in day so I hope I at least maintained and did not gain. Crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer.
  • My motivation for today is, I totally lost control yesterday at my Family's get together. I really need to get back on track and I am determined to do it.
  • Today my motivation is that I want to be wise in the food I put on my plate and portions. I. Don't want the Holiday to get me off track. I am going to cut back on my other meal to give me some extra calories to use for today's big meal! Hope everyone has a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
  • My motivation for today is: I am stuck at 192 lbs and need to kick it up a notch to get my weight going down again. I am going to watch what I eat very carefully today and try to stay between 1200 to 1400 calories. I can do this!
  • My motivation today is: A friend and I went to see a favorite band of ours last night. She was asked to dance by several guys, but no one asked me to dance. I would have liked to have been asked to dance. I don't know if it is because I am not attractive or what but it really depressed me. I want to work on my looks. I…
  • My motivation for today is: I really want to see a decrease this Monday when I weigh in for the week. I really get depressed when I show a gain or don't loose anything. I know this is up to me and I have to do it if it is going to get done.
  • Today my motivation is: I am doing good. I am proud of myself. I want to keep it up. I want to stay strong and keep reaching my weekly goal.
  • Today my motivation is, I have vowed to loose at least one pound a week for a year. Tomorrow is weigh in day so I want to meet my weekly goal.
  • Today my motivation is: I have done good overall this week so far. I don't want to ruin it this week end. I want to stay focused on my goal. (That #&(&*#%# Guy brought 4 Doz more Krispy Cream donuts to work today but I did not eat one. I am going to have to go postal on him! LOL)
  • Oh Second Nature! I LOVE YOUR Picture Post! That is better then eating what you have wanted for days! Great motivation!
  • I am for moving forward! I want to be at my goal next September and the only way to do that is to move forward and keep posting my daily foods that I eat. I am motivation to do this today.
  • My motivation for today is: Yesterday was my official weigh in day and the scales were nice to me. 4.5 lbs. down for the week! YEA My motivation is to keep that "LOST WEIGHT THIS WEEK" smile.
  • Today my motivation is my belly feels flatter and my jeans are not quite as tight! ( Second Nature - They were Yogurt Covered Pretzels. The grocery store had Pumpkin Spice Flavored Yogurt covered Pretzels for the Holidays.) Not going to buy any more of those!
  • I strayed last night and ate yogurt pretzels. WAY TO MANY YOGURT PRETZELS. My motivation for today is that I feel guilty for eating way to many yogurt pretzels which put me over my daily calories allotment. I can not eat a few so I just can not have any in the house to tempt me! Into the trash they went! YEA! Now I am…
  • I got on the scale today and I am down 3 pounds since Sunday. I don't usually weigh myself except on Mondays after I get off from work and I write my weight down every Monday on a Calender. What better motivation is there then seeing results? Love it!
  • My motivation for today is, I want to make myself happy. I am not happy with myself the way I look and the way I feel about myself. I want to like myself and be happy with how I look. I am worth it!
  • HI all. I am so glad to find this group. The 1200 to 1400 calorie day is perfect for me. I am from NC and Started out at 240. I have lost to 196 and need to loose another 50 lbs. Hopefully before next September 2016.
  • Definitely a Bright Red cape! LOL
  • Motivation comes from the strangest places! LOL When I saw those Donuts I was determined to stay on track with my healthy eating!
  • Today my motivation is: A guy brought 5 doz. Crispy Cream Donuts to work this morning and I DID NOT EAT A SINGLE ONE!!!!!! I am superwoman today!
  • Today my motivation is: I just found out that my high school class of 1966 is planning a 50th year class reunion! I can not go looking like this. I have to get this weight off! I am going to do it. They are planning on having the reunion next September 2016 so I have 10 months to loose 56 lbs. Please say it with me. I CAN…