breakfasttomadness Member


  • I don't do dairy as a personal preference. We cut out most dairy except Greek yogurt after I got a bacterial infection in my mouth. But we just generally enjoyed how our bodies felt after not having it so long. We didn't notice how weighed down and tired we felt after eating something really cheesy or creamy (neither of us…
  • Some people fo have a lot of parties and holiday outings with family and friends between Thanksgiving and Christmas or travel which can wreak havoc on a diet plan. (I am not one of them this year fortunately). BUT last year I had 10 holiday parties and outings not including staying with relatives that didn't have much…
  • If you don't have HBP to control, and you are only using the weight loss portion, I am going to agree with everyone else when they say to not bother with it. If is isn't a long term sustainable way of eating for you its not worth the trouble to try to stick to it. You will have more success just weighing your portion sizes…
  • It could be many things and not necessarily you doing something wrong. Read the article diannethegeek posted. Are you extra stressed about something? Is it around that time of the month? Are you not being as diligent about weighing and logging? Are you drinking or retaining more water recently from exercise? Weight can be…